78679 - Mediation - Spanish (LM)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Silvia Betti
  • Credits: 9
  • SSD: L-LIN/07
  • Language: Spanish
  • Moduli: Silvia Betti (Modulo 1) Lisa Gozzi (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Language, Society and Communication (cod. 8874)

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to familiarize the students with theories of linguistic and cultural mediation and its diverse practical/professional applications. The students are expected to be able to apply the theoretical and practical tools learned in class to the needs of the public and social services, as well as to international and intercultural communication. They are also expected to progress to being able to independently monitor and update their skills and competence, also for the purpose of conducting autonomous research in the field. Language classes aim at improving students’ linguistic competence; over the two year period students’ knowledge of Spanish should reach an equivalent level to C2 in accordance with the European framework in all four abilities. These classes will work in connection with the lectures to improve students’ writing skills in particular.

Course contents

*THE MEDIATION COURSE WILL BEGIN IN THE 2nd SEMESTER (2024), it will consist of 2 modules of 30 hours each, one held by Prof. Betti, and the other by Dr. Gozzi.

The course aims to provide an introduction to the role of the mediator Spanish / Italian, especially to the mediator in health care and / or school. In addition, the Mexico-United States border will also be discussed, a particularly topical issue regarding migration. The student knows the theories on the mediation and is aware of the relativity of cultural approaches and their potential for interaction and dynamic relationship in the construction of common pathways. He serves as interlingual and intercultural mediator in situations where it is important the knowledge of languages and cultures, their differences and harmonies. In an increasingly globalized world, it is very timely to address the issue of linguistic contact and cultural contamination. We propose analysis of communicative situations of their linguistic and cultural mediation (mediation skills, comment, negotiation...), listening and playback of real texts from audio-video products, or by the teacher, the ability to speaking in a foreign language and to switch from one language to another by means of simulations or "role play" that reproduce situations real linguistic mediation, ability to speak in public and to manage the non-verbal language.


Language exercises LM LSC

Dott.ssa Ma del Pilar Asarta

The readership wants to convey to students the skills of the mediator of the Spanish language, by analyzing the characteristics and peculiarities of Spanish as a foreign language in a practical way and developing the four language skills (level C1-C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), providing students with the technical and cultural tools necessary for an autonomous approach to the problems of mediation between the Italian and the Spanish language, deepening their language skills in order to foster a more conscious learning of the Spanish language.
Students enrolled in the Mediation Spanish must pass the written test and oral exercises before the exam Prof. Betti.
The informations on the exercises and its bibliography will be provided at the beginning of the course and on the website:


Teaching methods

Lectures and cooperative learning. The lessons will require the active participation of students (engaged in the acquisition of the content and processes necessary for the mediation) through discussions, "role play", various presentations and tutorials.

*This program on line will be the same for everyone.



*PPT (lessons)

-Betti, Silvia. -Betti, Silvia. "¿Por qué viniste a los Estados Unidos? Reflexiones sobre la frontera sur de Estados Unidos", Trea ed., 2021. In Virtual.

-Geda, Fabio, Nel mare ci sono i coccodrilli. Storia vera di Enaiatollah Akbari, Baldini e Castoldi, 2017. OR (just a book of your choice) Luiselli, Valeria, Los niños perdidos, Sexto Piso, 2018. OR Sabatés, Sandra, No me cuentes cuentos, Planeta, 2022. To the chosen book, 1 graphic novel chosen between Bianchini and Ballati will be added: Migrantes. Clandestino verso il sogno americano (Bfs Edizioni, 2015), or Ferraris e Chiocca: La cicatrice, sul confine tra Messico e Stati Uniti, Oblomov ed.

-Grupo CRIT. Culturas y atención sanitaria. Guía para la comunicación y la mediación intercultural. Octaedro, Barcelona, 2009. ISBN978-84-9921-012-4. In: https://octaedro.com/libro/culturas-y-atencion-sanitaria/

-Laghrich, Saloua. “Reflexiones sobre la mediación intercultural y experiencias desde la Comunidad Valenciana”. Tonos Digital, n. 8, dic. 2004. Disponible en: http://www.um.es/tonosdigital/znum8/estudios/11-Salou.htm

-Medina, Pilar e Miquel, Rodrigo Alsina. “ Las emociones como barreras y como accesos a la diversidad cultural”. Congreso Comunicación y diversidad cultural. Forum Barcelona, 2004. Disponible en: http://www.portalcomunicacion.com/dialeg/paper/pdf/35_alsina.pdf

-Pons Rodríguez, Lola. "El acoso, por su nombre". El País, 2 de mayo de 2018. Disponible en: https://elpais.com/elpais/2018/05/01/opinion/1525191997_750645.html



Any additions and / or modifications will be made during the course


Recommended reading:

  • Aluffi Pentini, Anna (ed.). La mediazione interculturale. Dalla biografia alla professione. Milano, Franco Angeli. 2004.
  • Colombo, Furio. Clandestino. Nave di Teseo ed., 2018.
  • De Luise, Danilo e Mara Morelli. “Puentes de palabras”. In Actas 1 X Simposio Internacional Comunicación Social. Centro de Lingüística Aplicada. Santiago di Cuba. 2007, pp. 137–141.
  • Favaro, Graziella e Manuela Fumagalli. Capirsi diversi. Carocci, 2004 (o altra edizione).
  • Grupo CRIT. Culturas cara a cara. Madrid, Edinumen. 2009. ISBN 9788495986856
  • Iglesias Casal, Isabel. "Entre tópicos y estereotipos: cómo se construyen". Estudios humanísticos. Filología, 2015. Disponibleen:http://revpubli.unileon.es/ojs/index.php/EEHHFilologia/article/view/3250/2425
  • Ortí, Roberto et al. " Interacción comunicativa en la atención sanitaria a inmigrantes: diagnóstico de necesidades (in)formativas para la mediación intercultural". Disponible en: http://www.uv.es/perla/3%5B08%5D.OrtiSalesySanchez.pdf
  • Rodrigo Alsina, Miquel. La comunicación intercultural. Anthropos Editorial, 1999 (o altra edizione).
  • Rossi, Elisa. La mediazione in classi multiculturali. Analisi di interventi di promozione della partecipazione e del dialogo. Roma-Acireale, Bonanno Editore. 2012.
  • Sales Salvador, Dora. “ Panorama de la mediación intercultural y la traducción/interpretación en los servicios públicos en España”. 2005. In: http://accurapid.com/journal/31mediacion.htm
  • Villano, Paola e Bruno Riccio. Culture e mediazioni. Il Mulino, Bologna. 2008.
  • Zorzi, Daniela. “ Note sulla formazione dei mediatori linguistici”. Studi di Glottodidattica. 2007, 1, pp. 112-128.

N.B. Any additions and / or modifications will be made during the course.

Teaching methods

Lectures and cooperative learning. The lessons will require the active participation of students (engaged in the acquisition of the content and processes necessary for the mediation) through discussions, "role play", various presentations and tutorials.

Assessment methods

Final Examination

Exam of Mediation (official course) professors: prof.ssa Silvia Betti e dott.ssa Gozzi

The examination concerning the official course will consist in an oral exam in Spanish (entry level: C1) with each professor, which will focus on the content of the course (notes, materials handed in during the classes, compulsory readings, etc.) and on the different exercises carried out during the lessons.

The final mark of the examination (language component – lettorato - + official course – lezioni frontali) will be calculated as a weighted average between the score obtained in the language component exam (34 hours of class) and the one obtained in the official course part (30 hours + 30 hours: modules prof.ssa Betti and dott.ssa Gozzi).


Esercitazioni (Dra Asarta): Checking the written and oral language skills (level C1)

Redacción y traducción (Theme and trad. written on topics related to the general program of the course, length 40 lines written in about 1 hour and 30 minutes)

Comentario ORAL (Oral Commentary of a brief statement of morphosyntactic and lexical character, on a topic related to the exercise program).

NB The overall grade (final) proof-reading is calculated by averaging the grade of the written and the oral one vote


Teaching tools

Prof. ssa Betti and Dr. Gozzi:

For lectures will be used Power Point, audio and video media, docs on line.

Office hours

See the website of Betti Silvia [https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/s.betti/en]

See the website of Lisa Gozzi: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/lisa.gozzi3

Dr Asarta:

Dossier on line: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/mariadel.asarta

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Silvia Betti

See the website of Lisa Gozzi