Foto del docente

Silvia Betti

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: SPAN-01/C Spanish Language, Translation and Linguistics

Short Bio

Director of the University Language Center (CLA).

Author of numerous publications on sociolinguistic aspects of Spanish in the United States, Spanglish, new technologies applied to teaching Spanish as a foreign language, etc. She has given lectures, courses, and seminars at various Italian universities, European (Alcalá de Henares, Valencia, Barcelona -UB- Sevilla, Málaga; Liberec, Czech Republic; Ghent and Brussels, Belgium; Helsinki, Finland); Ibero-American (Costa Rica, Mexico); American (San Antonio, New York, Denver, Harvard, Miami-FIU, Chicago, Washington DC).

She is among the collaborating researchers of the Cervantes Observatory of Spanish and Hispanic/Latin cultures within Harvard University. She is a Corresponding Member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language and belongs to its Commission for the Sociolinguistic Study of Spanish in the United States. Director of the journal Glosas of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language. Director of the editorial collection "Cruces y bordes: la voz de la otredad...". Rome, Aracne.

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 7103

Other contacts


Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne
Via Cartoleria 5, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Student Office Hours will be held by appointment ( ) at Studio 97, Zona Lugli (LILEC), Via Cartoleria 5, or at the CLA office in Via F. Re 10.

* The lecturer may not be able to respond to all emails received from students, especially those with general inquiries about exams, theses, class schedules, course program information, and deadlines, which are available on the UNIBO website and the following page:

and also: *

*For SPOSI-SVIC courses, please see:

http://https// *

For this reason, students are kindly asked to consult the information published on institutional websites or on this page.

*Students are kindly requested to check the web page the day before the office hours for the instructor's actual presence and/or any changes in schedule due to academic commitments. Thank you! Graduating students are kindly asked to email the instructor to make an appointment. Emails not signed in full will not be answered.

*Always check the lecturer's web page and the "Notices" section for any changes.