Foto del docente

Silvia Betti

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: SPAN-01/C Spanish Language, Translation and Linguistics


Collaboration with:
Università degli Studi di PALERMO
Formal collaboration with:
Universidad de Cádiz
Formal collaboration with:
Una Europa seed funding: "Linguistic variation in postcolonial contexts: historical, social and contact linguistic perspectives"
Posio, Pekka (Principal Investigator), Soler Montes, Carlos (CoPI), Sippola, Eeva (CoPI), Betti, Silvia (Co-investigator), Hüning, Matthias (Co-investigator), Cazorla Vivas, Carmen (Co-investigator), Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt (Co-investigator): "Linguistic variation in postcolonial contexts: historical, social and contact linguistic perspectives". Description: Una Europa seed funding: The aim of the seed funding initiative is to support the initiation of long-term collaborative activities between the partner universities. The idea is to "plant a seed" that can eventually attract external funding. The purpose of the project is to bring together researchers working on postcolonial language studies and sociolinguistics in order to produce new insights into linguistic variation and change in postcolonial contexts, promoting new and long-lasting collaboration initiatives that lead to a better understanding of European languages outside Europe. In order to reach these goals, the project will put particular focus on lesser studied contact situations and varieties of European languages, such as the varieties of Spanish spoken in Equatorial Guinea and the Philippines, the Portuguese varieties of Angola and Mozambique, Dutch spoken in the Caribbean region and Surinam, and varieties of English from a global perspective. In addition to providing a venue for researchers focusing on particular languages in the postcolonial context, the project aims to enhance the dialogue between linguists working with different methodological and theoretical frameworks, leading to strong research projects that attract funding from third parties.The initiative asks how postcolonial varieties differ from European varieties and why. From previous comparisons, the effects of areality (e.g. Kortmann 2013) and language contact (Kortmann & Wolk 2012, Perez et al. 2017, Trudgill 2009) have been shown to be relevant for explaining differences, but so far, literature on postcolonial varieties has mostly concentrated on English. A comparative perspective is urgently needed to test if insights gained from English can be generalized to other languages. In addition, different types of colonial expansion and administration, among other sociohistorical factors (e.g. Singler 2008), are pertinent for exploring variation and change in postcolonial settings. AcronymLiVaPoCo StatusActive Effective start/end date1/04/21 → 31/12/22 Links
Formal collaboration with:
Università di Valencia (Spagna)
Formal collaboration with:
Observatorio Cervantes -Università di Harvard (Stati Uniti)
United States of America
Silvia Betti, expert at Observatory -Harvard University, in: Objective of the Observatory The objective of the Observatory is to create a center that will serve as a point of international reference for the study, prospective analysis, and diagnosis of the state of the Spanish language in the United States, with special attention to its social, cultural, and linguistic evolution, its use by any speakers of the Spanish language, including but not limited to minorities, and its coexistence with other languages. Mission of the Observatory The mission of the Observatory is to create and execute a program of projects and activities for the analysis, reflection, and discussion of the presence of the Spanish language in the United States, and its relation to the international sphere as a first, second and foreign language. The program pays special attention to the contact of Spanish with other languages, to its presence as a majority or minority language in different environments and to how this language is perceived by its speakers, especially as a factor of identity, as well as the perception of speakers from other linguistic origins. The Observatory conducts analyses, studies, and reports concerning the social and linguistic state of the Spanish language and its communities, and it is a forum for research, exchange and debate among experts from Harvard University, from other universities in the United States, Spanish-speaking countries and Spain, accepting as a basic principle the promotion of language coexistence and bilingualism. The Observatory's activities promote, and celebrate the identity of Hispanic and Latino culture within Harvard University. Image Quiénes Somos Working in 4 scopes Spanish language in the United States Linguistic minorities: contacts and contexts Teaching of Spanish in the United States Culture and thought in Spanish
Formal collaboration with:
CROSS "CROSS: Crossing the border between English and Spanish"
Progetto di ricerca CROSS: "CROSS: Crossing the border between English and Spanish" dell'Università di Gand, Belgio (Faculty of Arts and Philosophy): "CROSS is an interuniversity research group (UGent-VUB) which aims at investigating phenomena of code-switching and code-mixing as expressions of the hybrid identity of Latin-American immigrant authors in the United States" (2015-2018 ongoing). Research goals The research group CROSS brings together experts in linguistic and literary analyses of hybrid texts, attesting language contact between Spanish and English. The group aims at contributing to a better knowledge of the impact English and the North American Society have on the literature production of emigrated Latin-American authors. In concrete, the same texts are studied from both a linguistic and literary viewpoint, after which the research results are compared. As such, the group wants to provide a better understanding of the social and linguistic functions of code-switching and related phenomena in Latin-American narratives. Home Keywords migration, interculturality, hydrid identity, language contact, Spanglish Corpus The corpus includes (but is not restricted to) the following works: Anaya, Rudolf. 1972. Bless Me, Ultima. Anzaldúa, Gloria. [1987] 2012. Borderlands: La Frontera. The New Mestiza. Chávez Silverman, Susana. 2004. Killer Crónicas. —. 2010. Scenes from la cueca de Los Angeles. Cisneros, Sandra. 1984. The house on Mango Street/La casa en Mango Street —. 2002. Caramelo/Caramelo Cota Cárdenas, Margarita. 1985. Puppet, a chicana novella. —. 2005. Santuarios del corazón. Díaz, Junot. 2007. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. —. 2008. Drown. —. 2012. This is how you lose her. Elizondo Griest, Stephanie. 2008. Mexican enough. My life between the borderlines. Hernández-Gutiérrez, Manuel de Jesús, David William Foster (eds.). 1997. Literatura Chicana, 1965-1995. Hinojosa, Ronaldo. 1981. Mi querido Rafa. Méndez, Miguel. 1947. Peregrinos de Aztlán. Moraga, Cherrie. 1995. The hungry woman: A Mexican Medea. Morton, Carlos. 2004. Dreaming on a Sunday in the Alameda. Paz Soldán, Edmundo y Alberto Fuguet (eds.) 2000. Se habla español. Voces latinas en USA. Ponce-Meléndez, Carlos. 1999. Pláticas de mi barrio. Rivera, Tomás. 1970. …y no se lo tragó la tierra / …And the Earth Did Not Devour Him edición bilingüe. Sánchez, Phil. 1977. Don Phil-O-Meno, sí La Mancha. Stavans, Ilan (ed.) 1997. New world. Young Latino Writers. Valdez, Luis. 1965. Las dos caras del patroncito/The two faces of the owner. —. 1976. Los Vendidos. Vasquez, Richard. 1970. Chicano. Villareal, José Antonio. 1994. Clemente Chacón —. 1959. Pocho
Formal collaboration with:
Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE- Corrispondente della RAE).
United States of America
Formal collaboration with:
Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE- Corrispondente della RAE).
Formal collaboration with:
Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE -Correspondiente de la RAE, Real Academia Española)
United States of America
Formal collaboration with:
Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE)
United States of America
Formal collaboration with:
Membro del Progetto 16. Tempus - IDELE: Innovation and Development in Spanish as a Second Language. Progetto n° 530459-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-ES-TEMPUS-JPCR, coordinato dall'Universidad de Salamanca: Campus of International Excellence.
Formal collaboration with:
Hispania- AATSP
United States of America
Peer reviewer della rivista "Hispania". Hispania, the official journal of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP), invites the submission of original, unpublished manuscripts on applied linguistics, cultural studies, culture, film, language, linguistics, literary criticism, literature, and pedagogy having to do with Spanish and Portuguese. Throughout Hispania's history since its founding in 1917, it has published scholarly articles and reviews that are judged to be of interest to specialists in the discipline(s) as well as to a diverse readership of teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Hispania was recently ranked as one of the top high-impact journals in Latin American Studies
Formal collaboration with:
Università degli Studi del SALENTO
Formal collaboration with:
United States of America
Formal collaboration with:
ALDEEU-Spanish Professionals in America, Inc.
United States of America