78118 - Laboratory of New Trends in Arts Management and Technology

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Innovation and Organization of Culture and the Arts (cod. 0902)

Learning outcomes

Student is expected to understand nature, potential impacts and possibilities of development of new trends in the field of arts management related to new technologies. By its nature, the course would focus on specific trends and aspects that will be defined in flexible ways, open to possible experimentation.

Course contents

A workshop aimed at developing highly creative communication products and services following the strategic approach of the Digital Engagement Framework and inspired by the multidisciplinary method adopted by the Museomix format.

24 hours of theory, practice, group works and meetings with professionals to develop a communication campaign from a defined context and playground.

Each class will be divided in different sessions, stimulating discussion and debate and facilitating the emergence of questions, doubts towards the identification of participatory proposals.

The presence of creative experts in the field of audiovisual and graphic design will help the groups to develop ideas and organise the development of a final product, to be presented in a plenary session at the end of the workshop.

During the laboratory a specific collection of case studies designed to inspire teams in the development of their ideas will be presented, along with demonstrations on the use of technology and creative processes by guests who will be involved in the workshop.


Readings and useful tools will be provided together with slides at the end of each class

Teaching methods

Students will have the opportunity to actively participate in the lectures, where there will always be an important laboratory part that will lead from the development of an idea to its realisation, through group work with design thinking methods, meetings with professionals and presentation of case studies for inspiration.

There will also be moments of restitution during the various design phases, in which the groups will present their progress to the rest of the class in order to stimulate discussion and participation.

Assessment methods

The final review will consist of a presentation of the project developed by each group in plenary session.

Eligibility will be recognised on the basis of a number of assessment criteria: each student will be assessed on their ability to complete the project in their group, on the basis of the project presented, on the attention shown during the lessons and on their participation in the realisation of the idea during the course. 

Office hours

See the website of Elena Bertelli