76011 - Multimedia Technologies in Archaelogy

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History, preservation and enhancement of artistic and archaeological heritage and landscape (cod. 9218)

Learning outcomes

The training objective of the course is the knowledge of information technologies applied to archaeological research in the various application areas that characterize the complex process process that brings the information connected with the archaeological data from the techniques of prospecting, excavation, cataloging, restoration and relative museumization. The extensive use of digital information representation technologies in the different passages means that computer science applied to archeology today constitutes a systemic process of networking integration of numerous multimedia representation technologies based on object - oriented multiplatform - web languages based, mostly organized in centralized structures (servers) and in the form of metadata (XML, JavaScript, KML etc.). At the end of the course the student: - is able to manage this complex process and technological process - is in possession of the theoretical and practical bases of the digital representation of archaeological data in various formats, - is in possession of the theoretical and practical bases relating to the techniques and the protocols of transformation, representation, transmission and communication of archaeological data - is in possession of the knowledge, the correct strategies and the practical skills that allow him to participate consciously in the project and in the realization of a server-web information system for archiving and multimedia representation of the archaeological data.

Course contents

The course program will be divided into three parts. After an introduction and a reflection on the technologies and the space that multimedia is progressively going to occupy in the field of archaeological communication, the various steps that make up the logical and operational scheme with which the virtual reconstruction of a archaeological context. The second part will be devoted to modern documentation methods used in archaeological research (Total Station, Laser Scanner and Photogrammetry). The main problems related to the documentation of an archaeological context will be presented with particular reference to the variety of its extension and the state of conservation. Then the main methods of processing 3D models from point clouds acquired both by Laser Scanner and by digital photogrammetric procedures (Image Based) will be introduced. In the third and last part, also referring to some case studies, the themes related to the techniques of 3D Computer Graphics applied to archaeological research that have determined in recent years a profound change in the way of relating with the past will be explored. Since no virtual reconstruction, serious and scientifically correct, starts from imaginative ideas, the contents of the course will concern the single operations necessary to obtain the final result according to a scheme that develops not in order of importance, but logical and operational: from collection of information on the object to be reconstructed, to the definition of a set of graphic drawings useful for the development of the reconstructive proposals: 2D vector drawings; from the development of a 3D reconstructed model to the definition of the form of presentation to the public of the reconstructed product. Within this process, digital survey constitutes an important aspect and basis for guaranteeing maximum reliability of subsequent reconstruction operations.


In addition to the lecture notes, knowledge of the following texts is mandatory for the preparation of the exam:

E. Giorgi (a c.), In profondità senza scavare. Metodologie di indagine non invasiva e diagnostica per l'archeologia (Groma 2/2009), Bologna 2009

in particular the parties:

3. Topografia per l’archeologia

  • 3.1. Introduzione al rilievo per l'archeologia

  • 3.2. Rilievo topografico per l'archeologia

  • 3.3. Fotogrammetria per l'archeologia

4. Topografia per l'archeologia. Schede

  • 4.7. Stazione totale

  • 4.10. Laser scanner terrestre

In addition, 1 handout on topics related to 3D Computer Graphics techniques will be made available to students.

Given the particular setting of the course, all students are invited to attend the lessons.

Students who cannot attend the lessons must be fully acquainted with the volume cited in the bibliography and the handout (to be requested from the teacher via email).

Teaching methods

The lectures will have a laboratory-like approach, aimed at stimulating dialogue and with extensive use of examples (also with the aid of topographic and IT tools and with the involvement of colleagues who are experts in the various techniques).

Assessment methods

The assessment of learning for the students who will attend the course will also focus on the evaluation of active participation in discussions and classroom teaching activities.

The final grade will be established by means of an oral exam in which at least three questions relating to the main topics addressed during the lessons will be asked:

1. Multimedia technologies and systems for the documentation and enhancement of archaeological sites;

2. Tools for the traditional and three-dimensional documentation of archaeological contexts (Total Station, Laser Scanenr, Photogrammetry);

3. Computer Graphics 3D techniques.

In order to pass the exam, the student must demonstrate that he has understood the topics covered, that he is able to identify the relevant methodologies suitable for the different archaeological contexts proposed and to know the procedure necessary for the realization of a virtual reconstruction, using the terminology proper to the discipline.

Teaching tools

During the lessons, PPT presentations, films and illustrative material will be used, to which archaeological instruments of various types (topographic, computer science, etc…) will be added.

Office hours

See the website of Alessandro Campedelli