75558 - Sedimentary Basin Analysis

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Geology and Territory (cod. 9073)

Learning outcomes

The course focuses on the understanding of sedimentary basins within the framework of plate tectonics and integrates aspects of stratigraphy, sedimentology, geophysics, geodynamics, sedimentary petrology, and low-temperature thermochronology. Specific topics include: lithospheric stretching and flexure, strike-slip tectonics and basin formation, dynamic topography, sediment generation/transport/deposition, diagenesis and petrophysical properties, applications to hydrocarbon prospecting and the evaluation of water resources.

Course contents

The Earth's lithosphere: definitions, flexural rigidity, vertical deformation profiles. Sedimentary basins resulting from lithospheric extension: geophysical background, the McKenzie model, symmetric and asymmetric rifting, lithospheric detachments, active vs. passive rifting, aulocogens, passive continental margins, intracratonic depressions, structural inversion. Basins resulting from lithospheric flexure: geodynamic settings, retroforeland basins, proforeland basins, lithospheric roll-back, large-scale lithospheric buckling. Orogenic wedge critical taper theory. Stratigraphic patterns associated with lithospheric flexure: foreland basin depozones. Dynamic topography. Basins associated with strike-slip faulting. Sediment generation and dispersal: weathering rates, mechanical and chemical denudation, suspended and dissolved matter. Sedimentation rates. Sediment compaction and lithification. Subsidence analysis. Petrophysical properties. Sediment thermal evolution: vitrinite reflectance, Raman spectroscopy, clay-mineral transformations, fission-track analysis.


PowerPoint presentations.

Teaching methods

Classroom classes. Fieldtrip.

Assessment methods

Mid-term test(s). Oral final exam.

Teaching tools

Databases, geological maps, computer software.

Office hours

See the website of William Cavazza