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William Cavazza is a Professor of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology at the University of Bologna since 2002. His current research focuses on the combined application of structural geology, geodynamics, sedimentology, and stratigraphy to the analysis of ancient and modern sedimentary basins. He has directed a number of international scientific cooperation projects involving UNESCO, IUGS, NATO, Italian and foreign research institutions, as well as the oil/mining industry. He has undertaken fieldwork in the Rocky Mountains, the Chilean Andes, the Rio Grande Rift, the Alps, the Apennines, the Balkans, Anatolia, the Greater and Lesser Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan), and Iran. He has been Chair of the IGCP-UNESCO Scientific Board, vice-President of the International Union of Geological Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of the
Italian Journal of Geosciences, Associate Editor of
Basin Research and the
Journal of Sedimentary Research, as well as member of the editorial boards of
Geologica Acta, the
Journal of Geological Fieldtrips and Maps and the
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences.
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