Foto del docente

William Cavazza

Full Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: GEOS-02/B Stratigraphic Geology and Sedimentology

Curriculum vitae

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education: 1989, Ph.D. in Geology, UCLA

career: 1991-1994 nat. corr. IAS; 1991-1992 NATO Coop. Res. (USA); 1993-1994 NATO Coop. Res. (Canada); 1994-1999 chair IGCP Project no. 369; 2000-2016 chair Ital. Nat. Comm. IGCP; 2000-2016 Ital. IUGS Nat. Comm.; 2001-2004 chair Medit. Consortium; 2003-2009 coordinator Ph.D. Program Earth Sci. UNIBO; 2005-2008 member and chair IGCP Sc. Board (UNESCO); 2007-2009 councilor Geol. Soc. Italy; 2007-2009 Nat. Comm. IYPE; 2008-2012 treasurer IUGS; 2008-2014 UNIBO Research Observatory; 2011-2016 ICSU Nat. Comm.; 2016-2020 Vice-President IUGS; 2020-2024 DDE Sc. Comm.

awards and affiliations: Fellow, Geol. Soc. Am.; Acc. Sci. Ist. Bologna

editorial duties: Ass. Ed. “Basin Research”; Ass. Ed. "J. Sedimentary Res."; Editor-in-Chief, “Italian Journal of Geosciences”; Ed. Board “Geologica Acta”; Adv. Board, “Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences”

publications: 90+ articles and 4 books

congress organization: IAS (Sfax, 1996); EGMA (Cairo, 1996); Ital. Fed. Earth Sci. (Rimini, 1997; Turin, 2011); IGCP-UNESCO-PPW (Matera, 1999); Int. Geol. Congress (Florence, 2004); IPETGAS (Istanbul, 2011); Black Sea Symp. (Istanbul, 2009, Bucharest, 2011); AAPG (Bucharest, 2016); Soc. Geol. It. (Cosenza, 2012, Naples, 2016); DEEP (Beijing, 2018); 3rd STRATI (Milan, 2019); AAPG (Trabzon, 2022)

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