72713 - Sociology of Sport and Communication

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Moduli: Giovanna Russo (Modulo 1) Eugenio Bagnini (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Wellness and Sport Management (cod. 9214)

Learning outcomes

The “Sociology of Sport and Communication” Teaching Course aims to help you to see and to analyse the main social trends of the modern society in the field of the cultural processes and sport communication. So you will be more able to better appreciate the social relevance of the communication for the great sport events and for all the activities in the leisure time. At the end of the Course you will be able:

a. to pick out objects and goals of the sport communication;

b. to know the main sociological theories and methods of social research in sporting communication;

c. to have the main know-hows in order to manage a house organ;

d. to use the main tecniques of social research in order to analyse the tv sport audiences

e. to produce press releases;

f. to promote the image of his own sport society or sport team

g. to relate with sponsors and advertisement offices.

Course contents

The “Sociology of Sport and Communication” Teaching Course will teach the main concepts and theories useful to analyse the up-to-date changes in sport & Physical Activities, which are leading to the “post”-modern society, and the relevance of the communication in all the field, especially in Mes-mega-sporting events, and in fitness and wellness.

In this Course you can distinguish three sections, the following ones:

1. General section: the Course will discuss the exits of the differentiation process in modern society, and analyse the reasons of the growing relevance of sport  and PA in free time sphere. We'll discuss the hypothesis of the emerging social structure, conectiong stronger three sistems: sport, media, and sponsor, and its consequences on the civilization process.

2. Monographic Section: The course will give specific attention to the communication processes in place in the world of sport and motor activities. Principles and practices of sports communication will be presented, distinguishing the mass media field from the communication methods offered by new digital technologies. Particular attention will be given to the transformations taking place in sports venues. We will observe the social and cultural change taking place through the transformations that digital media favor in the field of sport and physical activities, in order to highlight opportunities and risks related to the use of these devices in fitness and wellness practices.

3. Seminarial Section: the aim is to promote the students’ cognitive interests in the field of the sport communication, showing empirical researches in the Sport Sociology field. To this end, the student will attend the Exercises (held by prof. E. Bagnini, module 2 of the Course), in order to create a project work aimed at investigating the transformations taking place in sport and PA by digital technologies.

An active approach will be favored with elective readings in the field of Sociology of Sport and Communication, [for the list of books see the following paragraph] and with the presence of experts in class.


Two books are required as the minimum program: the first one is the common book; the second one is chosen by the student, according his academic curriculum (i.e., if you have already or NOT 6 Ects in General Sociology).

Moreover, if you like an enlarged program, you can choise a third book among the ones, listed in C) the Seminarial Part.

A) About the GENERAL Part of the Course (the 1st common book):

Martelli S., Matteucci I., Tallarita L., Russo G. (2019), “Keep fit!”. Ben-essere attivo e nuove tecnologie, FrancoAngeli, Milan.

B) About the MONOGRAPHIC part of the Course: you have to choice the 2nd book according your academic position:

B1) (if you already have gained 6 Ects in General Sociology: )

Martelli S. (2017), Mega eventi sportivi, pubblicità in tv e junk food (Mega Sport Events, Tv Advertising, and Junk Food). Quattro indagini su bambini e stili di vita sani e attivi, FrancoAngeli, Milano.

B2) (if you have NOT already gained 6 Ects in General Sociology: )

Martelli S., Porro N. (2018), Nuovo Manuale di sociologia dello sport e dell'attività fisica (New Handbook of Sociology of Sport and Exercise), FrancoAngeli, Milan.

C) About the SEMINARIAL Part of the Course: you can choose a book, among the following texts:

Bondonio P., Dansero E., Genova C. (a cura di) (2018), La città e lo sport. Torino 2015 e oltre (The City and the Sports. Turin 2015 and further), FrancoAngeli, Milan.

Russo G. (ed.) (2018), Charting the wellness society in Europe. Social transformations in sport, health and consumption, FrancoAngeli, Milano.

Martelli S. (2012), Lo sport “globale” (Global Sports). Le audience televisive di Olimpiadi e Paralimpiadi invernali, e dei Mondiali di calcio (2002-2010), FrancoAngeli, Milan.


Teaching methods

Lectures and case studies will be presented with the help of slides and other new communication technologies.

Assessment methods

At the exam an Erasmus+ student will receive a special questionnaire.

The test will consist of 5 open questions (the minimum program), or more (the enlarged program: +3 questions for each choised book = 5+3+… questions, & 2 ‘bonus’ if the answers will be right).

The Erasmus+ student will fill the spaces offered by the 10 lines, vacated after each question; as well as in Italian language, he/she can answer in one of the following languages: English, French, Spanish-Castiglian or Catalan.

He/She will have no more than 30' to answer at the questions (the minimum program), or more (+15’for each book of the enlarged program).

Be careful, please, in order to be registered to the roll-call: You have to insert your name in the electronic list for the exam within the 5th day before the fixed date (you can have access to the e-list in the AlmaEsami website). An Erasmus+ students may request an earlier review, according to the day of their departure from Bologna.

Teaching tools

Slides by Power Point.

Surfing the Internet.

Research outcomes, published by the SportComLab- the Study and Researches Center about the Sporting Communication of the Dept. of Educational Sciences, “Alma Mater Studiorum”- University of Bologna – see at: https://centri.unibo.it/sportcomlab/it

Students can ask for information or explanations during the reception hours - which will take place both before and after class time - or by writing to the teachers (email: giovanna.russo6@@unibo.it; eugenio.bagnini@unibo.it).

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Giovanna Russo

See the website of Eugenio Bagnini


Good health and well-being Gender equality Sustainable cities Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.