29638 - Archaeology and History of Ancient Greek Art (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students are going to have an in-depth knowledge of several fields of Greek Civilization during the First Millennium b. C. and they are going to understand methodological instruments to interpret archeological data, in their topographic, historical and cultural context. Learning research methods and instruments allow students to analyze independently a research topic, on archaeological data, involving not only Greece itself, but also those areas where Greeks founded apoikiai or where they get in touch - from East to West - with non-Greek people.

Course contents

During the starting lessons, the teacher will give advice on the studying, will explain the exam carrying out and will give the outlines of the course topics.

Module 1: -

Greek Pottery, from the Protogeometric to the classical era, with particular reference to Athens.

- Outlines of History of the study of Greek Pottery from Beazley' connoisseurship to the recent research developments.

- The Vase production: Potters, Painters, techniques.

- Vase shapes and their use.

- Circulation and trade of Greek pottery.

- Subjects of figured pottery: aspects of Iconography and Iconology.

- Overview of Western Greek ceramic production, with particular reference to the classical period. 

Module 2: Archaeology of Craft production in Athens.

- Thopography of Athens from the mycenaean period to the classical era (outlines).

- Production structures from the Protogeometric to the classical period: topography, archaeological data and techniques for marble manufacturing, metal fusion and pottery production.

- Ergasteria functioning and organization, social status of artisans: these topics are going to be investigated on the basis of recent publications, with particular reference to the newest research methods. 

A Comparison with the Western Greek World: aspects of craft production in Magna Graecia and Sicily, with a focus on recent investigations in Agrigento.


Program for 6 CFU (module 1):

- for those students attending classes: class notes and 

C. Isler-Kerényi, The study of Figured Pottery Today, in V. Norskov, L. Hannestad, C. Isler-Kerényi (eds.), The world of greek vases, Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementa, XLI, 2009, pp. 13-20.

J. H. Oakley, State of the Discipline. Greek Vase Painting, in American Journal of Archaeology 113.4, 2009, pp. 599-627.

A. Pontrandolfo, Le produzioni ceramiche, in E. Greco-M. Lombardo (a c. di), Atene e l'Occidente. I Grandi temi, Atti del Convegno (Atene 2006), Atene 2007, pp. 325-344.

- students not attending classes are going to add:

J. Boardman, Storia dei Vasi Greci. Vasai, pittori e decorazioni, Roma 2004 (available also in English)

Program for 12 CFU (module 2) besides the above-mentioned texts for the 6 CFU exam:

- for those students attending classes: class notes and the following readings:

A. Mazarakis Ainian, Des quartiers spécialisés d’artisans à l’époque géométrique?, in A. Esposito, G. Sanidas, «Quartiers» artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne, Lille 2012, pp. 125-154.

M.C. Monaco, Dix an aprè: nouvelle données et considérations à propos du Céramique d’Athènes, in A. Esposito, G. Sanidas, «Quartiers» artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne, Lille 2012, pp. 155-174.

M. C. Monaco, Allenare i giovani, fare filosofia dei giardini, venerare gli dei, produrre ceramica, seppellire i morti: considerazioni preliminari sul proasteion di Atene in età classica, in P. Darcque, R. Étienne, A.-M. Giumier-Sorbets, Proasteion. Recherches sur le périurbain dans le monde grec, Paris 2013, pp. 31-61.

M. Scafuro, L’area tra il Kolonos Agoraios e l’Areopago dall’XI al VI sec. a.C. Contesti e aree funzionali (SATAA 8), Atene- Paestum 2015, pp. 149-160.

- students not attending classes are going to add:

G. M. Sanidas, La production artisanale en Grèce. Une approche spatiale et topographique à partir des exemples de l’Attique et du Péloponnèse du VIIe au Ier siècle avant J.-C. , Paris 2013, pp. 10-24, 29-31, 108-110.

G. M. Sanidas, Comprendre le Céramique d’Athènes : à propos du modèle de « quartier des potiers », in M. Denti, M. Villette (ed.), Archéologie des espaces artisanaux. Fouiller et comprendre les gestes des potiers (Conference Proceedings Rennes 2014), Lattes 2019, pp. 77-88.

G. Bejor, M. Castoldi, C. Lambrugo, E. Panero, Botteghe e artigiani. Marmorari, bronzisti, ceramisti e vetrai nell’antichità classica, Milano 2012, pp. 1-129 (capp. 1-3).

FOR ALL STUDENTS: In order to prepare to the exam (6 and 12 CFU) a basic knowledge of archaeology and Greek art history is required; those who have never taken exams on Greek Archaeology or Greek and Roman Archaeology are strongly recommended to study the following texts, besides the course bibliography:

- G.Bejor, M.Castoldi, C.Lambrugo, Arte greca, Milano 2013: students who take the 6 CFU exam (module 1) are recommended to study pp. 1-7, 17-26, 33-37, 60-73, 75-80, 147-175, 209-211, 245-266, 305-312, 471-473; students who take the 12 CFU exam (modules 1 and 2) are recommended to study the entire book.

Teaching methods

Teaching is based on lectures, during which there are going to be several opportunities to discuss topics of interest for students, useful to enhance their learning outcomes. During the lessons, exercises are going to be proposed to students for self-assessment purposes on their learning process. A visit to an Archaeological Museum is planned to integrate lectures. Further, topic-based lectures related to the course are going to be held by renowned scholars. For those students who may be interested, it is possible to expand the content of the course with practical activities in laboratory (according to the Department educational offer).

For those students who are interested, there will be the opportunity to integrate the course within the educational programmes offered by the Department, such as excavation, laboratory and internship practice. In order to participate to these latter activities, students will be required to attend Modules 1 and 2 [e-learning mode: https://www.unibo.it/it/servizi-e-opportunita/salute-e-assistenza/salute-e-sicurezza/sicurezza-e-salute-nei-luoghi-di-studio-e-tirocinio ] and Module 3 concerning specific training on safety and health in workplaces.

Further details on attendance of Module 3 can be found in the specific section of the website for each course of study.

Assessment methods

Students who attend at least 75% of the lessons are considered to be attending.

The evaluation consists on an oral examination, during which the teacher is going to ask questions, with the support of images related to those topics illustrated and debated at lectures and/or found in the bibliography.

The assessment of students is based on their ability to refer the acquired knowledge by using the field-specific terminology and by framing consistently a specific topic in its related period (from the Protogeometric to the Hellenistic period).

Those students who demonstrate to have a systematic perspective of topics covered during lectures and/or in the above-mentioned bibliography, mastering them critically, also by using field-specific terms, will be given a mark of excellence. A mnemonic knowledge of the subject with the ability to sinthetize/analize, with correct, although not always field-specific command of the language will be rewarded with a 'fair' mark. Those students who demonstrate minimal knowledge of the subject, showing gaps and/or inappropriate command of the specific language will be given a pass mark or just above the pass mark. Significant knowledge gaps, insufficient field-specific language, lack of those abilities to frame correctly the covered topics and to orientate themselves among the bibliographical materials will not be given a pass mark.

Teaching tools

During classes, the teacher is going to use power point presentations. The teacher might hand out illustrative materials on specific topics. Illustrative (paper or digital) material on the images analyzed in class is going to be available for attending students at the end of the course through username and password at Virtuale - University of Bologna (https://virtuale.unibo.it/). 

Office hours

See the website of Vincenzo Baldoni


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.