27151 - Cinema Laboratory (1)

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Drama, Art and Music Studies (cod. 0956)

Learning outcomes

By the end of this class students will have acquired a range of skills related to the technical and organizational aspects of filmmaking and production; will be able to integrate practical skills with historical, critical and theoretical knowledge of film culture.



Course contents


With the collaboration of Federico Pagello and Guido Maria Gallerani

Technical assistance: Stefano Orro and Federico Tovani

Description: The huge development of "digital reproducibility" that has taken place in the last two decades has created the conditions for the emergence of an entirely new audio-visual genre, one that is by now ubiquitous on all video-sharing platforms: the video-essay. Deeply related to the highly respected form of the essay-film, the video-essay is today practiced for the most different purposes: from marketing to philosophy, from fanvid to institutional communication, from educational contributions to art criticism. However, it is no doubt in the field of film criticism that the video-essay has known the most pronounced growth. The possibility that it offers to "quote" directly, that is, to reproduce, the images to be analyzed makes it an invaluable tool for film and television criticism.

This workshop has been designed in the frame of the learning experimentation promoted by  DETECt: Detecting Transcultural Identity in European Popular Crime Narrativea European project funded by the Horizon2020 program. Students will be guided to making a video-essay about a film chosen among the filmography of the European crime genre. 

Students will be guided through a learning experience in three phases:

1) Theoretical-methodological introduction. The first five lessons will introduce the students to the use of the video-essay as a tool for film analysis. This part of the workshop will be developed by presenting and discussing a number of video-essays chosen among the most interesting available online. Working groups will be formed and introduced to the next phases.

2) Research and writing. The working groups are guided through the elaboration of the concept and writing of the video-essay, as well as through the research of the visual, sound and textual materials to be used in the following phase.

3) Editing. The working groups assemble the materials using the editing facilities available at DAMSLab. Individual projects on personal equipment are also possible.

Teaching methods

Workshops are based on a participative mode, aimed at stimulating the students' creativity and their technical skills. 

Assessment methods

Teaching tools

SALA POLIVALENTE - videoprojection (PC, VHS, DVD, DSR) - blue screen

SALA MONTAGGIO 1 -  Adobe CS4 Creative production (Premiere; After Effects; Flash...);

SALA MONTAGGIO 2 -  Adobe CS4 Creative production (Premiere; After Effects; Flash...);

SALA MONTAGGIO 3 -  Adobe CS5 Creative production (Premiere; After Effects; Flash...)

SALA MONTAGGIO 4 - Avid Liquid Pro

VIDEOCAMS - 2 DVCAM SONY, 1 151 HDPanasonic; 2 Panasonic HD Canon; 5 Handycam/Panasonic NV SG 150

14 PC S.O. Windows with LIM Interactive blackboard

Office hours

See the website of Monica Dall'Asta


Quality education Gender equality

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.