19144 - Physics applied to Cultural Heritage

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Cultural Heritage (cod. 8849)

Learning outcomes

The course gives the basic knowledge of the scientific methods (physcal nd chemico-physical) for the characterisation of the materials, the evaluation of the artefacts' conservation state, and the control of the micro and macro climate parametres. At the end of the course, the student is able to evaluate the contribution given to the conservation by non destructive and non invasive diagnostic techniques.

Course contents

The aim of the course is the explanation of the physical phenomena at the base of the scientific analyses for the study of the works of art and for their conservation.

Physical quantities and units of meausurment - Systems of units - multiples, submultiples, scientific notation

Geometrical and wave optics: propagation of light, reflection and refraction, electromagnetic waves (generalities, spectrum, visible light)
Color and colorimetry
Matter-radiation interaction: phenomena for the observation of works of art based on the matter-radioation interaction (IR,UV, X.rays, gamma rays)
Application of the electromagnetic radiation to the study of the woorks of art: reflectrograpy, radiography and tomography, spectroscopical techniques

Environment/material interaction
Environmental parameters
Thermo-igrometric phenomena, deposition and conservation of materials
Microclimate monitoring

The course will consider the analyses of case studies with the direct involvement of the students, planning the diagnostico protocol of measurements and interpreting the results of:

Photographic and reflectographic (remote sensing) techniques
Optical microscopy
Colorimetry and visible reflectance spectrophotometry
X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy
Microclimate monitoring


The slides will be available on IOL https://iol.unibo.it. The lecturer will highlight recommended reading for each lecture.

The following books can be consulted as references to the specific physical methodologies described in the course:

A. Aldrovandi, M. Picollo, Metodi di documentazione e indagini non invasive sui dipinti, Padova, Il Prato, 2001.

S. Volpin, L. Apollonia, Le analisi di laboratorio applicate ai beni artistici policromi, Padova, Il Prato, 1999.

M. Milazzo, N. Ludwig, Misurare l'arte. Analisi scientifiche per lo studio dei beni culturali, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2010, cap 1,2,3,4, 8-12

C.Oleari (a cura di), Misurare il colore. Hoepli, Milano, 1998.

C.Seccaroni, P.Moioli, Fluorescenza X. Prontuario per l'analisi XRF portatile applicata a superfici policrome, Nardini, Firenze, 2002

A.Bernardi, Conservare opere d’arte. Il microclima negli ambienti museali, Il Prato, Padova, 2004.

Oggetti nel tempo: principi e tecniche di conservazione preventiva, a cura dell'Istituto per i beni artistici culturali e naturali della regione Emilia-Romagna, Servizio musei e beni culturali]. - Bologna : Clueb, 2007. NOTA: http://online.ibc.regione.emilia-romagna.it/h3/h3.exe/apubblicazioni/t?ISBN=978884912866

Teaching methods

Lectures, laboratory experiences (when possible with portable instruments to be performed in the classroom) with the involvement of the students in the interpretation of the results. Exam of case studies.

Assessment methods

During the oral exam the candidate is asked to discuss a case study treated during the course and to plan an archaeometric study, also proposed by the student.

The exam aims to verify the following objectives:

- Know how to plan a diagnostic study

- Know the diagnostic procedure for the most important materials

- Know the main diagnostic and analytic techniques for a certain category of materials

- Know how to plan a practical session of analyses

- Know how to evaluate the cost/benefit ratio of a technique to define its feasibility in different contexts

The student is invited to present a case study in a written form (report) or in oral form with a power point presentation to be publicly discussed with other students.The presentation, organised in sections (introduction to the object/site of interest, aims and questions, methodology of study, multidisciplinar interest) is advisable, althogh not compulsory. The student can alternatively choose a traditional oral exam (questions/answers) regarding the whole theaching program.

The student's ability to learn how to operate with confidence and autonomy within the secondary literature and the possession of a language and forms of expression appropriate to the discipline will be assessed. The acquiring of an organic view of the topics discussed in class, along with their critical consideration, a demonstration of mastery and mature expression will be recognized with good marks or excellence. Knowledge, mostly mnemonic of the subject matter, non-articulated synthesis and analysis, and/or language does not always lead to the appropriate marks ranging from discreet to sufficient. Important gaps in training, inappropriate use of language, lack of orientation within the boundaries of the topics and the bibliographic materials proposed by the course will inevitably lead to a barely sufficient grade or a negative rating.

Teaching tools

Teaching material in the form of pdf files is available at http://iol.unibo.it/ and reserved to the students of the course.

Some of the portable equipments of the Diagnostic Laboratory at the Department of Cultural Heritage will be used in the classroom for practical experiences (http://www.beniculturali.unibo.it/it/laboratori/laboratorio-diagnostico-per-i-beni-culturali)

Objects of archaeological and historic-artistic interest (paintings, relics,..).

Office hours

See the website of Mariangela Vandini