93592 - Sociology of the Audiences (Lm)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Information, Cultures and Media Organisation (cod. 5698)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to offer the methodological tools to analyse the theme of "audiences", highlighting the active role that ‘audiences’ play in the construction of information, both online and offline.

- master the theoretical and empirical toolbox to understand how media have to deal with their audiences, or differentiated publics, real publics, potential publics and non-publics, which are their referents along a continuum;

- is able to apply the knowledge acquired to the analysis of information and communication processes;

- is able to approach critically the media system and its audience engagement strategies

Course contents

The course aims to address the issue of publics, analysing the participation of publics, understood in the broad sense - stakeholders, target, audience - as an active

component of the enterprises in the life of organisations, institutions, third sector associations and media.

The course will take an initial and more general approach to the topic of social participation, and will then explore:

a) the theme of promoting civic engagement by public administrations, with case studies of virtuous public administrations and cultural and creative enterprises;

b) the theme of cultural welfare and public-private partnerships whose aim is the production of cultural capability and citizenship, enabled by cultural participation.


a) R. Paltrinieri. G. Allegrini, Partecipazione, processi di Immaginazione civica, e sfera pubblica, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020.

b) un libro a scelta tra:

M. Trimarchi, Lo spettatore virale. Palcoscenici, pubblici, pandemia.

G. Bovio, Postpubblico. lo spettatore culturale oltre la modernità, Mimesi, 2021

c) un libro a scelta tra

R. Paltrinieri, Culture e pratiche di partecipazione, Collaborazione civica, rigenerazione urbana e costruzione di comunità, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020

L. Solito, et. al. Percorsi in Comune. La comunicazione nelle municipalità toscane, Carocci, Roma, 2020

Teaching methods


Assessment methods

Learning will be assessed through individual interview based on the exam reference texts, in order to evaluate both the learning of course content by the student and his analysis and argumentation skills.

Students having an excellent critical and in-depth analysis skills, the ability to link the main issues addressed in the course, the use of appropriate language with respect to the specificity of the discipline, will result in an 'excellent' assessment .

Students having a mnemonic knowledge of the contents, of a discrete critical capacity and connection between the course themes, the use of an appropriate language, will result in an 'discrete' assessment .

A 'sufficient' assessment will be given in case of: formative gaps but, however, capacity to achieve a minimal knowledge on topics the course is focused on; the use of inappropriate language.

A 'negative' assessment will be given in case of: the lack of critical thinking skills, orientation difficulties with respect to the issues addressed in the exam textbooks, formative gaps, the use of inappropriate language

Office hours

See the website of Roberta Paltrinieri


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