75940 - Semiotics and Storytelling

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Communication Sciences (cod. 8885)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to anlalyze different kinds of texts (newspaper and magazine articles, advertisements, electoral campaign materials, consumption products, etc.) through semiotic methodology, to recognize the fundamental narratives on which they are based, and to evaluate the capability of each text to persuade the audience and inspire their emotions.

Course contents

The course will review and study in more depth the semiotic methodology already introduced during the first year course of Semiotics, and will pay particular attention to the theories of enunciation, aspectuality and point of view.

The bases of visual semiotics will also be illustrated and the connection between semiotic methodology and the marketing concepts, which are currently referred to under the label of  storytelling, will be explored.

Every concept will always be applied to concrete examples (verbal, visual, syncretic, and multimedia texts), taken from contemporary advertising and political campaigns.


The course presumes that students have a solid understanding of the concepts and methodologies which have been introduced by the course of Semiotics of the first year in the Communication Studies undergraduate programme.


Required textbooks

Giovanna Cosenza, Semiotica e comunicazione politica, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2018.

Piero Polidoro, Che cos'è la semiotica visiva, Roma, Carocci, 2008.

Maria Pia Pozzato, Capire la semiotica, Roma, Carocci, 2013.

Christian Salmon, Storytelling. La fabbrica delle storie, Roma, Fazi, 2008.


The book Segni, linguaggi e testi: semiotica per la comunicazione (Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2015, second edition) by Costantino Marmo – already studied for the exam of Semiotics of the first year in the Communication Studies undergraduate programme has to be reviewed entirely.


It is also important to study the Professor's lecture notes and PowerPoint presentations on the website virtuale.unibo.it.


Optional textbooks (especially for students who are not able to attend lessons)

Jean-Marie Floch, Semiotica, marketing e comunicazione, Milano, Franco Angeli, 1990.

Jean-Marie Floch, Identità visive, Milano, Franco Angeli, 1995.

Jean-Marie Floch, Bricolage, Roma, Meltemi, 2006.

Maria Pia Pozzato, Leader, oracoli, assassini, Roma, Carocci, 2004.

Maria Pia Pozzato (ed.), Variazioni semiotiche. Analisi, interpretazioni, metodi a confronto, Roma, Carocci, 2007.

Christan Salmon, La politica nell'era dello storytelling, Fazi, 2014.

Andrea Semprini, Lo sguardo semiotico. Pubblicità radio stampa, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 1990.

Stefano Traini, Semiotica della comunicazione pubblicitaria, Milano, Bompiani, 2008.

Teaching methods

Given the eminently practical nature of the course, regular attendance of the lessons is recommended.

All lessons will take into consideration concrete case studies taken from contemporary mass communication.

Moreover, many lessons will consist of practice exercises, which are fundamental to prepare for the final exam, i.e. they will consist of analyses of advertisements, newspaper and magazine articles, political discourses, which will be conducted in the classroom under the Professor's supervision.

Assessment methods

The examinations is composed of two parts:

First part: it consists of 31 multiple choice questions aimed at demonstrating a solid mastery of the theoretical basis of the semiotic discipline, which have been explained both during the first year course of Semiotics and the first part of the course of Semiotics and Storytelling.

Second part: it consists of a short essay question, aimed at demonstrating the ability to use semiotic tools in analysing either advertisements or political discourses.

Students who are not satisfied with their final grade can ask to take an oral examination.

Teaching tools

During lessons the professor will use the multimedia tools of the Department, in order to show some PowerPoint presentations, to analyse images and audiovisual products (videoclips, commercials, electoral spots, etc.), and to browse the Web.

The professor will publish her lecture notes and PowerPoint presentations on Virtuale.

Office hours

See the website of Giovanna Cosenza