90434 - Memory, Museum and Information

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Docente: Giulia Crippa
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: SPS/08
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Library and Archive Science (cod. 9077)

Learning outcomes

Through the study of the different theoretical perspectives on Memory and the study of the relationships between Memory registers mainly (but not only) three-dimensional and the information Institutions dedicated to them, at the end of the course the student must understand the relationships between objects and memory through the transformations of the idea of a museum and the importance of the exhibition order as an order of memory and knowledge. He knows also analysis methodologies and specific bibliographical tools.

Course contents

Cultural memory: concepts and problems.
History of memory
Concept of Cultural Memory
History and memory / Collective memory
Memory, Heritage and Globalisation
National Culture as Heritage?
Decoloniality as a concept for memory and heritage
Tourism and Memory: Scenarios
Capitalism and politics of memory
Dissonant heritage
Racial theories, museological collections and narratives
Monuments, history and narratives: case studies


Bibliografia obbligatoria (frequentanti e non frequentanti*)

ASSMAN, Aleida. Ricordare. Forme e mutamenti della memoria culturale. Bologna, il Mulino, 2015. Chapters: Introduzione, I e II.

SLOTERDIJK, peter. L'imperativo estetico - Scritti sull'arte.Chapter 6 (Museo - una scuola dello spaesamento)

STORRIE, Calum. Delirium museum: un viaggio dal Louvre a Las Vegas Cremona, Johan & Levi, 2017. Chapters: Introduzione, I, II, III, IV e V.

ONE text choose between:

1) Augé, Marc. Disneyland e altri nonluoghi. Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2009.

2) Augé, Marc. Rovine e macerie - Il senso del tempo. Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2004.

Suggested complementary bibliography:

BENJAMIN, Walter. Angelus Novus - saggi e frammenti. CAPITOLO: "Baudelaire e Parigi".

VERDE, Simone. Le belle arti e i selvaggi - La scoperta dell'altro, la stori dell'arte e l'invenzione del patrimonio culturale. Napoli: Marsilio, 2019.

CLAIR, Jean. La crisi dei musei - la globalizzazione della cultura. Milano, Skira, 2008.

ZEVI, Adachiara. Monumenti per difetto - dalle fosse Ardeatine alle pietre d'inciampo. Roma, Donzelli, 2014.

JEUDY, Henri-Pierre. Fare Memoria - perché conserviamo il nostro patrimonio culturale. Firenze: Giunti, 2011.

CANDAU, Joël. Anthropologie de la mémoire Paris: Colin, 2005.

HALBWACHS, Maurice. La memoria collettiva.

SMITH, Laurajane. Uses of Heritage, chapters 1 and 2 (p. 9-84). New York: Routledge, 2006.

CONNERTON, Paul. How modernity forgets. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009

* NON-attending students:

In addition to the compulsory readings, non-attending students will need to supplement their preparation by reading a text of their choice from the supplementary bibliography or by reading both texts by Augé.

Further suggestions can be made in class, depending on the direction of the discussions.


Teaching methods

The course emphasises participatory teaching. Teaching is carried out through lectures and the use of technological aids. It is also carried out through in-depth seminars with students, discussion of empirical cases, practical exercises, viewing and analysis of film clips, documentaries and videos on the themes of the course. Students will be asked to play a very active role, through discussions, the analysis of case studies and work to be processed outside class time and presented.

Assessment methods

The test consists of an oral interview to assess the knowledge of the topics discussed during the lessons (for those attending) and of the bibliography indicated, and the critical and methodological skills acquired by the student. The following will be assessed: mastery of the contents, ability to synthesise and analyse themes and concepts, ability to express oneself adequately and in language appropriate to the subject matter. The final grade will be based on the overall assessment.
The examiner will begin with a presentation of a topic of his or her choice from those covered, and the exam will continue with at least two further questions posed by the teacher.
During the appeal, the interview is aimed at testing the student's ability to analyse, critique and control the discipline as a whole.

The criteria adopted for the assessment of learning are: knowledge of the bibliography of the programme; ability to develop arguments independently; ability to describe and illustrate phenomena, processes, practices studied by the sociology of cultural and communicative processes; ability to empirically place theoretical generalisations; ability to deal with a sociological reflection on aspects and processes of transformation of contemporary society.
Two different assessment parameters will be adopted, for attending students and for non-frequenting students.
For attending students - the assessment of learning consists of: 1 midterm test (in the middle of the course); presentation of seminar work (in the second half of the course), written elaboration of the presented work (at the end of the course), participation in discussions and exercises and group work. All this will be included in the assessment and will serve as a means of monitoring individual learning in relation to the course undertaken in the classroom. The examination programme is roughly similar to that for non-attenders.

I frequentanti che abbiano raggiunto e superato la sufficienza alla prova intermedia possono:

1) registrare il voto (iscrivendosi all'appello, senza necessaria presenza fisica durante la registrazione);


2) per complementare la sufficienza, possono partecipare alla fase di elaborazione di un lavoro di gruppo;


3)decidere di sostenere l'orale su tutto il programma

Specificamente, verranno valutate:

- partecipazione attiva in classe, esercitazioni: 10%

- Elaborato di gruppo: 20%

- Prova intermedia: 70%

Non-attending students must supplement their bibliography for the call.

(Supplements indicated in TEXTS/BIBLIOGRAPHY)


Teaching tools

Lezioni frontali. Risorse di rete. Discussioni coordinate. Orientamento e tutoria ai gruppi extra-orario di lezione (su piattaforma telematica)

Pandemia permettendo, visite museali (Museo di Storia Naturale Unibo / Musei Scientifici di Palazzo Poggi / Museo della Strage di Ustica)

Students with special needs should contact the teacher.


Office hours

See the website of Giulia Crippa


Quality education Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.