31733 - Models of Educational Mediation

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Educator in Childhood Social Services (cod. 9083)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student: - knows and understands the main models of didactic mediation with particular reference to the role of educators of early childhood services; - knows the types of services for children and is able to compare their evolution at local and national level; - will know how to manage section and plexus work and coordinate their work with that of section colleagues, plexus and other operators; - is capable of building continuity projects with the kindergarten (bridge / spring sections) and with other agencies in the area; - will be able to use verbal and non-verbal languages to communicate their teaching strategies to families and other educational operators; - will be able to identify teaching problems relating to the performance of his professionalism and to promote training experiences in services.

Course contents

The contents will be articulated around the following themes:

Policies for children in the EU

The network of childcare services in Italy: crèches and other types of services to promote educational continuity 0-6

Nursery education: promoting active education through a conscious planning of spaces, times and relationships

The skills of the educators of childcare services: the relationship with children, with families, with colleagues, with pedagogical coordination and the territory.

The cognitive child and the emotional child: observing it, understanding it, supporting it

Didactic strategies to welcome families

Debate and study on the results of the most recent research on the following topics:

- Education in nature in a sustainable perspective: the directions of meaning and the role of educational services

- Competence and emotional socialization, how to promote them from the early years.

The course takes place in the Universities but it'll be possible also to gained lessons through the TEAMS platform.

Some integration and in-depth materials and others used during the course will be available to the students, accessible on the new elearning platform at https://elearning-cds.unibo.it/.

It is necessary to register using the University credentials.


Mandatory BOOKS

Galardini A. (a cura di) (2020) L'educazione al nido. Pratiche e relazioni, Carocci, Roma.

Schenetti M., Guerra E. (2015) Il dolore dell'infanzia. Educare le emozioni difficili, ed. Junior, Parma. (i capitoli 1,2,4,5)

Balduzzi L., Lazzari L., (a cura di) (2021), Ripartire dall'infanzi. Esperienze e riflessioni nei servizi 0-6 in prospettiva post-pandemica, In press, ed. Junior, Parma. (capitoli 2, 3, 4)

Additional study materials will be delivered through the platform Insegnamenti online: Modelli di Mediazione didattica 2021-2022


The course and exam will be held in Italian.

Mandatory book: Galardini A. (a cura di) (2020) L'educazione al nido. Pratiche e relazioni, Carocci, Roma.

In the e-learning platform a space dedicated to Erasmus students will be set up in which articles in English and / or Spanish will be uploaded and specific exercises

Teaching methods

Frontal lesson (inductive, deductive and dialogued), explorations, use of videos and case studies. Active teaching methodologies.

Assessment methods

The examination procedures will be gradually defined in relation to the health situation.

The exam, in written form, can therefore be managed both in presence and remotely (use of zoom platforms, teams, eol).

Remember that you need to use a computer with a functioning camera and microphone.

The test consists of a test consisting of multiple choice, true / false and "short essay" questions. The correction and scoring criteria are reported, together with the exam program, on the first page of the written tests.

The questions will verify specific knowledge and skills of analysis and application, requesting (especially in the short essay mode) a critical argument.

ATTENTION Students in debt who have the Course of Didactic Mediation Models - 8 cfu - in their study plan must communicate their exam program to the teacher one week before the test.

Office hours

See the website of Michela Schenetti


Good health and well-being Gender equality Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.