Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Local and Global Development (cod. 9200)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student:

will possess the theoretical and methodological tools to define, understand and critically analyze the territorializaton phenomena, with particular reference to the role played by the Third Sector in the current context of redefinition of welfare system.

Course contents

The course aims to offer the sociological categories useful for:

- understanding what the third sector is;

- from which social processes it is originated

- from which actors it is composed,

- what is its distinctive contribution to the dynamics of territorial social innovation.

The course also aims to provide some tools to understand the direction in which the third sector is going, also in light of recent regulatory changes.

During the course the main theories on the third sector as a relevant social phenomenon will be considered. Particular attention will be paid to the internal differentiation that characterizes the third sector at the cultural and organizational level.

It will be possible to explore and analyse innovative activities and services implemented with a territorial focus and through social partnership put in place between the third sector and the other actors of plural welfare (public sector, private sector and primary networks) will also be illustrated, through which. There will be organized 3 workshops with practictioners, on the following topics: 1) territorialization and PP partnership; 2) social impact assessment; 3) cooperative corporate welfare.


References for non-attending students:

  1. Moro, G. Contro il non profit, Laterza: Roma-Bari, 2014.
  2. Fazzi, L. Costruire l'innovazione nelle imprese sociali e nel terzo settore, FrancoAngeli: Milano, 2019
  3. Akerstrom, N. A. e Pors, J. G.Il welfare delle potenzialità, Mimesis: Milano-Udine, 2016. (capitoli: 2; 3; 6; 8).

    References for attending students:

  4. Moro, G. Contro il non profit, Laterza: Roma-Bari, 2014.
  5. Borzaga, C. e Ianes, A. L'economia della solidarietà. Storia e prospettive dea cooperazione sociale, Donzelli Editore: Roma, 2006 (capitoli I;II; III).
  6. Borzaga, C. e Fai, L., Le imprese sociali, Carocci: Roma.
  7. Venturi, P. Le imprese sociali nel perimetro del Terzo Settore, in Fici, A.; Rossi, E. Sepio, G. Venturi, P. Dalla parte del Terzo Settore. La Riforma letta dai suoi protagonisti, Laterza: Roma, 2019, pp.147-172.
  8. Campedelli, M. La riforma del Terzo settore, in Politiche Sociali Fascicolo 3, settembre-dicembre 2016, pp. 503-508.
  9. Moro, G. Tra forme e attività. Un’analisi critica della cultura politica e amministrativa della riforma del Terzo settore, in Politiche Sociali Fascicolo 2, maggio-agosto 2019, pp. 207-224.
  10. Macchioni, E. venturi, P. e Orlandini, M. Welfare aziendale e territoriale. Culture, modelli organizzativi e traiettorie evolutive osservate nella rete CGM, in Pubblico, territoriale aziendale. Il welfare del gruppo cooperativo CGM.Este, Milano, pp. 107-162.
  11. Prandini, R. e Orlandini, M. Personalizzazione vs. individualizzazione dei servizi di welfare: fasi, attori e governance di una semantica emergente, in «STUDI DI SOCIOLOGIA», 2015, 4 - 2015, pp. 353–373.

Teaching methods

The course is organized in lectures and seminars, as detailed in the following program. Lectures (16 hours ) aim to introduce students to the core tenets of the discipline. Seminars (12 hours) aim to provide occasions for in-depth discussions of class materials and exercises. For the seminar section of the course, students will be divided in two groups.

Students are required to carefully read the assigned material before the session and - in the case of seminars - active participation through presentations of existing scholarship and case studies will also be expected. 

Assessment methods

There will be and oral exam on the essays and texts in the bibliography. The exam is aimed to verify if the student has learned and critically elaborated the contents of the program.

The final grade will be determined as follows:

18-19: very poor knowledge of the course's contents

20-24: poor knowledge of the course's contents and limited capacity to organize critical thoughts

25-29: good knowledge of the course's contents and good capacity to organize critical thoughts

30-30 cum laude: excellent knowledge of the course's contents and excellent capacity to organize critical thoughts


Teaching tools

During the course, students will be provided with supplementary teaching materials (texts, Italian and foreign essays, research reports, etc.).

Students will have the opportunity to explore some issues related to the discipline and its contemporary developments through theoretical and empirical research operations. In such cases, a return in the form of a paper will be requested to be discussed in the classroom with the teacher and colleagues.

Office hours

See the website of Elena Macchioni


Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.