Academic Year 2021/2022

Course contents

The course offers a reflection on the conditions of people with disabilities or in situations of marginalization (or other forms of vulnerability). Through the discussion of theoretical and methodological issues and analysis of experiences, the course introduces on the possible actions for their emancipation.

The course consists of the following topics:

  • social representations of disability, marginal conditions and social exclusion;
  • the problematization of reality and transformative educational actions (starting from the different socio-cultural contexts);
  • notes on the status of Special Pedagogy, the inclusive perspective, the biopsychosocial model and the critical approach of Disability studies;
  • the development of inclusive processes, observation of contexts and the promotion of empowerment;
  • the development of the life plan of adults with disabilities in typical and atypical life contexts (work, home, community, digital communities);
  • the analysis of some educational interventions in contexts of social marginality, with specific reference to homeless people (eg street education and harm-reduction) and to people deprived of their liberty.


The reference texts are the same for students who attend and do not attend

Freire P. La pedagogia degli oppressi (any version)

Friso V. (2017). Disabilità, rappresentazioni sociali e inserimento lavorativo. Milano: Guerini.

Gnocchi R. (2009). Homelessness e dialogo interdisciplinare. Analisi e confronto tra modelli diversi. Roma: Carocci. (cap. 1, 8, 9, 10) Free access by campus library https://sba.unibo.it/ebook/info?isbn=9788843051410

A text of your choice (it is possible to agree on a different one):

  • Kalica E. (2019). La pena di morte viva. Ergastolo, 41 bis e diritto penale del nemico. Milano: Meltemi.

  • Zizioli E. (2021). Donne detenute. Percorsi educativi di liberazione. Milano: FrancoAngeli.


In addition, teaching resources will be available on virtual university space (Virtuale).


Testi facoltativi consigliati per l’approfondimento personale

Bertolini P. e Caroni L. (2015). Ragazzi difficili. Pedagogia interpretativa e linee di intervento. Nuova edizione aggiornata a cura di Pierangelo Barone e Cristina Palmieri. Milano: FrancoAngeli.

Canevaro A. (2008), Pietre che affiorano. I mediatori efficaci in educazione con “la logica del domino”. Trento: Erickson.

Consoli T. e Meo A. (a cura di) (2021). Homelessness in Italia. Biografie, territori, politiche. Milano: FrancoAngeli.

Dainese R. (2016). Le sfide della Pedagogia Speciale e la Didattica per l'inclusione. Milano: FrancoAngeli.

Friso V. e Decembrotto L. (a cura di) (2018). Università e carcere. Il diritto allo studio tra vincoli e progettualità. Milano: Guerini e Associati.

Goffman E. (2003). Stigma. L’identità negata. Verona: Ombre corte.

Medeghini R., D’Alessio S., Marra A., Vadalà G. e Valtellina E. (2013). Disability studies. Emancipazione, inclusione scolastica e sociale, cittadinanza. Trento: Erickson.

Teaching methods

  • Lectures
  • Group work
  • Theoretical exercises / case study discussions
  • Journal club

Assessment methods

A written test with open and closed questions on the exam papers (including the book of your choice) and on the teaching resources available in the virtual university spaces.

The same test is foreseen for attending and non-attending students.

Teaching tools

Video projector, blackboard, Internet.

Office hours

See the website of Luca Decembrotto


No poverty Gender equality Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.