12244 - Iconography and Iconology

Academic Year 2020/2021

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course the student: - knows the essential lines of historical-pedagogical development and theoretical debate relating to the use of images in education; - knows the main iconographic repertoires in the socio-educational and didactic field; can recognize the educational and didactic values of a medium and a repertoire of images;- can carry out a critical and aesthetic first reading on didactic iconographic materials; - can evaluate the correct application of media and images in educational contexts.

Course contents

The course is part of the theoretical and practical disciplines of image teaching and the history of art for children. The first module (24 hours) proposes a path of approach and training to visual education for kindergarten and primary school. The objectives of this module concern the deepening of the main theories of teaching art and the stages of evolution of the graphic-pictorial activity in childhood; the analysis of the constituent elements the graphic representation and knowledge of materials, tools, techniques to educate creativity and artistic expression. A particular reference will be given to the acquisition of the teacher's design skills for school education in art and cultural heritage.

The second module (24 hours) addresses the examples referring to the fundamental themes and passages of the history of art from the Middle Ages to the present day, through its main methodological approaches: from its function, to the stylistic, iconographic and iconological analysis. The student will be able to recognize and approach the cultural heritage assets (understood in the widest sense) by grasping their educational potential.



Panciroli C., Professionalità educative tra scuola e musei: esperienze e metodi nell'arte, Guerini, Milano, 2016

Monografico Rivista Infanzia, Le arti e l’infanzia,Bambini srl, n.3-4, 2017

One of these texts

D. Arasse, Non si vede niente. Descrizioni, Roma, Artemide Edizioni, 2005 (o altre edizioni) 

B. Restelli, Giocare con tatto. Per una educazione plurisensoriale secondo il Metodo Bruno Munari, Franco Angeli Editore, 2007

Roberto Farnè, Abbecedari, figurine. Educare con le immagini di Comenio ai Pokémon (cap.1, 2, 5)

Bruno Munari, Fantasia, Universale Laterza 1977 (o altre edizioni) 

Anita Macauda, Arte e innovazione tecnologica per una didattica immersiva, Franco Angeli, 2018

Teaching methods

Lessons remotely
Virtual visits to art museums
Online research activity

Assessment methods

Written test with short essays and multiple choice questions.

Teaching tools

  • Books
  • Illustrative Materials (images, video, trailer...)
  • Computer and digital projector
  • Digital platforms (IOL, EOL, TEAMS) and use of a collaborative space within the MOdE-Museo Officina dell'Educazione [http://www.doc.mode.unibo.it/], with particular reference to the blank rooms.
  • Seminars by experts

For students with special needs and students coming from other cultures, please contact the teacher.

Office hours

See the website of Chiara Panciroli

See the website of Valeria Rubbi