02644 - Theory of Organisation

Academic Year 2019/2020

Learning outcomes

The course aims at presenting the basic foundations of the organizational theory and the main theoretical approaches for the study of organizations. At the end of the course, the student: - knows the basic theoretical and analytical tools for studying and understanding organizational phenomena - knows how to analyze the main organizations and the economic and political-institutional contexts in which they operate.

Course contents

The first part focuses on the main approaches of the industrial sociology and classical organization theory, such as Taylor and the Scientific Management, Mayo and the Human Relation School and the contribution of Barnard on cooperation, efficiency and efficacy. Moreover, this part deals with the theories of personality development, the Toyota model, Weber and the ideal-type of bureaucracy and its critics, such as Gouldner and Merton.

The second part deals with some important issues related to complex organizations planning and management: Crozier and its idea of power and the strategy of organizational actors; the linkage between organization and its environment; the organizational structures, the organizational culture and finally the transaction cost economy.


MANDATORY READINGS - Letture obbligatorie

Main text-book :

Bonazzi, G. (2008), Storia del pensiero organizzativo, Milano Franco Angeli. I SEGUENTI CAPITOLI: Introduzione + Capitoli 1 (L'OSL ovvero il taylorismo), 2 (Dopo Taylor. Nascita e fortuna delle Relazioni Umane), 3 (Chester Barnard), 4 (Le teorie della crescita della personalita'), 7 (Nel post-fordismo: specializzazione flessibile, produzione snella e fabbrica modulare), 8 (Max Weber: la burocrazia come apparato del potere legale), 9 (Dopo Weber. L'analisi di R.Merton), 10 (Alvin Gouldner), 11 (Philip Selznick), 12 (Michel Crozier); 13 (La direzione per obiettivi, SOLO da pag. 286 a 292); 15 (Etzioni, SOLO da pag. 351 a 361); 17 (Teorie della contingenza e controllo dell'incertezza); 18 (Cultura, significato e risorse).

The other mandatory readings will be collected in a reader and made available at the Copisteria Broccaindosso (via Broccaindosso 1/C) at the beginning of the course class (mid September).


1. Ferrante, M e Zan, S. (1994), Che cos'e' un'organizzazione?, in Il fenomeno organizzativo, Roma, Carocci. Capitolo primo.

2. Morgan G. (1999), La meccanizzazione va in cattedra: ovvero le organizzazione come macchine in Images. Le metafore dell’organizzazione, Franco Angeli, Milano. Capitolo due.

2. Masino G. (2005), Le "nuove" forme di organizzazione del lavoro: il Caso Nummi in Le imprese oltre il fordismo, Retorica, illusioni, realtà, Roma, Carocci.

3. Hatch, M.J. (1999), La struttura sociale organizzativa, in Teoria dell'organizzazione, Bologna, Il Mulino. Capitolo sei.

4. Catino, M. (2012), Le strutture e le configurazioni organizzative, in Capire le organizzazioni, Bologna, Il Mulino. Capitolo due.

6. Schein, E.H. (2000), Culture d’impresa. Come affrontare con successo le transizioni e i cambiamenti organizzativi, Raffaello Coritna Editore. Capitoli uno e due.

Le slides delle lezioni e ulteriori materiali didattici (casi di studio ed esercizi) saranno caricati su AMS Campus.

Teaching methods

Each thematic unit will be summed up and regularly made available on the Alma digital library web site . Students will thus be able to download class material every week.

Class attendance is strongly recommended

Assessment methods

For the students attending classes with regularity:

One written exam at the end of the first part (mid of the course) and another one at the end of the course. The two exams are written. Each one consists of five open-ended questions and it last max 1h15.

For the students NOT attending classes:

One written exam on all the readings listed above.

If needed, further information will be provided by professor. 

Teaching tools

- Power point presentations.

- Papers presentation and discussion.

- Other tools such as electronic databases, newspaper articles etc.

Office hours

See the website of Cristina Dallara


Industry, innovation and infrastructure Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.