Foto del docente

Cristina Dallara

Associate Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-02/A Political Science

Short Bio

Cristina Dallara is Associate Professor in Political Science at the University of Bologna. She held a PhD in Political Science at the University of Florence. She was Jean Monnet post-doc fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute of Fiesole. She has been involved with several international research projects on the role of the EU and other international organizations dealing with judicial politics. Main research interests: Public administration and public polices, Organizational theory and behavior, International Judicial Networks and Global Governance, Judicial and Anti-Corruption Policies. She has published 4 books, 2 of which in English with Springer International and Ashgate/Routledge. Go to the Curriculum vitae



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Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna - Go to map

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