16764 - History of Education

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert Social And Cultural Education (cod. 8776)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students will:

  • know the main objects and methods of the history of education;

  • know the main directions of development of the history of pedagogy (authors, cultural tendencies, and educational categories);

  • know the main directions of development of the history of Italian educational services, both scholastic and extra-scholastic linked to the area of disadvantage and exclusion;

  • know the main directions of development of production, distribution and usage processes of cultural products;

  • know the direction of development related to contemporary debates about environmental education and sustainable development;

  • understand the synchronic dimension of the educational issues within the historical, social and cultural contexts where they have arisen in order to project educational meausures;

  • be able to collect, interpret and reflect on historical and educational data in a scientific and critical method;

  • be able to research material and documentation about current educational issues in a historical and educational perspective;

  • be able to realise an essential bibliography about contents related to the historical and educational research;

  • be able to access to social, educational and cultural work owning the competence about the historical and educational frameworks.

Course contents

The course aims to highlight the historical dimension of the educational matter which is an essential element in the construction of the social and cultural educator identity, both in the present and the future. Consequently, we will approach some of the main themes of the history of education, proceeding between the a recent past and a complex present in order to offer causes for reflection and in-depth analysis.

In particular we will discuss the following contents:

  • some emblematic and classic authors belonged to the history of western education (especially we will focus on Locke, Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Owen, Aporti, Fröbel, the Agazzi, Montessori, Baden Powell, Dewey, Freinet, Don Milani, Freire);

  • the history of childhood, between the imaginary, the legislation and the institutions that have promoted its care and control, between assistance and education;

  • the history of special education through some of its historical, theoretical and istitutional points;

  • the issue of gender equality and gender education in the history of education;

  • the history of literacy and schooling processes between the nineteenth and the twentieth century, particularly about school and other educational and cultural institutions as museums, library, open-air schools, summer camp, etc., within welfare, with an in-depth analysis about the Italy's fascist period.


- This coursework is a 8 CFU program and it's valid for academic year 2017-2018. Students from past years must refer to the coursework of their year of attending in the drop-down list.

- The attendance is not compulsory, however it is highly recommended.



Students must study four books. All the following three:

U. Avalle, E. Cassola, M. Maranzana, Cultura pedagogica. La storia, Torino, Paravia, 2000

(from page 197 and with the esclusion of pages 303-312, 385-392, 509-516, 529-576). Or U. Avalle, M. Maranzana, Pensare ed educare, Torino, Paravia, 200, vol 2° and vol 3°, from Locke);

M. D'Ascenzo, Alberto Calderara. Microstoria di una professione docente tra Otto e Novecento, Bologna, CLUEB, 2011;

M. D'Ascenzo, Col libro in mano. Maestri, editoria e vita scolastica tra Otto e Novecento, Torino, SEI, 2013 (except cap. II). Students can download the volume following this link http://campus.unibo.it/293742/


And one selected between:

 J. J. Rousseau, Emilio o dell'educazione (a cura di E. Nardi), Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1995 (or other integral version).

R. Owen, L'armonia sociale. Saggi sull'educazione (a cura di C. Pancera), Scandicci, La Nuova Italia, 1994.

J. H. Pestalozzi, Sull'infanticidio (a cura di G. Di Bello), Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1996.

J. Dewey, Il mio credo pedagogico. Antologia di scritti sull'educazione (a cura di L. Borghi), Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1954.

R. Baden-Powell, Scautismo per ragazzi, Roma, Nuova Fiordaliso, 1996.

E. Demolins, L'educazione nuova: la scuola Des Roches, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1952.

A. S. Makarenko, Poema pedagogico, Roma, Editori Riuniti, 1952.

M. Montessori, La scoperta del bambino, Milano, Garzanti, 1999.

The two monograph volumes of journal 'Infanzia' dedicated to Maria Montessori e a Giuseppina Pizzigoni: n. 7/8, luglio-agosto 2007, n. 6, novembre-dicembre 2008

C. ed E. Freinet, Nascita di una pedagogia popolare, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1976.

J. Maritain, L'educazione al bivio, Brescia, La Scuola, 1987.

Scuola di Barbiana, Lettera ad una professoressa, Firenze, Libreria editrice fiorentina,1997.

P. Freire, La pedagogia degli oppressi, Milano, Mondadori, 1971.

M. Rossi Doria, Di mestiere faccio il maestro, Napoli, L'ancora del Mediterraneo, 1999.

P. Bertolini, Per una pedagogia del ragazzo difficile, Bologna, Malipiero, 1965.

A. Canevaro, J. Gaudreau, L'educazione degli handicappati. Dai primi tentativi alla pedagogia moderna, Roma, Carocci, 2002.

M. Fioranelli, Il decimo cerchio. Appunti per una storia della disabilità, Bari, Laterza, 2011.

R. Sani (a cura di), L'educazione dei sordomuti nell'Italia dell'800: istruzioni, metodi, proposte formative, Torino, SEI, 2008 (only the introduction and two chapters of your own choice).

V. P. Babini, Liberi tutti. Manicomi e psichiatri in Italia: una storia del Novecento, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009. 

C. Ghizzoni, S. Polenghi (a cura di), L'altra metà della scuola. Educazione e lavoro delle donne tra Otto e Novecento, Torino, SEI, 2008 (from p. 215 to p. 248 and other two chapters of your own chioce).

H. Cunningham, Storia dell'infanzia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1997.

E. Macinai, L'infanzia e i suoi diritti. Sentieri storici, scenari globali e emergenze educative, Pisa, ETS, 2009.

S. Lentini, L'educazione in carcere. Profili storico-pedagogici della pena, Palermo, Edizioni della Fondazione Nazionale ‘Vito Fazio Allmayer', 2012.

G. Di Bello, V. Nuti, Soli per il mondo. Bambini e bambine emigranti tra Otto e Novecento, Milano, Unicopli, 2001.

L. Caimi, Cattolici per l'educazione. Studi su oratori e associazioni giovanili nell'Italia unita, Brescia, La Scuola, 2006.

S. Polenghi, Fanciulli soldati. La militarizzazione dell'infanzia abbandonata nell'Europa moderna, Roma, Carocci, 2003.

A. Debè, Crescere in un Villaggio. L'OSEA di Reggio Emilia: genesi e sviluppo di un servizio educativo (1951-2012), Lecce, Pensa Multimedia, 2013.

R. Raimondo, Discoli incorreggibili. Indagine storico-educativa sulle origini delle case di correzione in Italia e in Inghilterra, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2014.

R. Sani, D. Simeone (a cura di), Don Lorenzo Milani e la Scuola della Parola. Analisi storica e prospettive pedagogiche, Macerata, EUM, 2011.

A. Gibelli, Il popolo bambino. Infanzia e nazione dalla Grande Guerra a Salò, Torino, Einaudi, 2005.

M. D'Ascenzo, R. Vignoli, Scuola, didattica e musei. Il Museo didattico 'Luigi Bombicci' di Bologna, Bologna, Clueb, 2008.

M. D'Ascenzo (a cura di), Tutti a scuola? L'istruzione elementare nella pianura bolognese tra Otto e Novecento, Bologna, Clueb, 2013.

D. Vincent, Leggere e scrivere nell'Europa contemporanea, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006.

A. Serrai, Breve storia delle biblioteche in Italia, Milano, Silvestre Bonnard, 2006.


PLEASE NOTE Possible changes in the texts could be communicate during the course.


Erasmus students and students who are coming from different courses of study are invited to contact the professor directly by mail or during the weekly teacher's office hours to define ad hoc coursework and exam methods.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons about the general framework and in-depth analysis with an invite to discussion.

View of videos and seminar lessons directed to involve students in the different researches developed in the course.

Assessment methods

The exam will consist in a written test of four questions and will last 120 minutes.

It will be organised on four questions that have to be answered with a short essay. To pass the exam it is necessary to answer to all the four questions. Each answer will be valued with a scale of 30 and the final grade will be resulted from the avarage grade.

The grade point avarage is express with a scale of 30.

The result of the exam will be communicated on the platform "Almaesami".

The evaluation criteria will follow these indicators:

  • ability to analyse a topic properly, synthetically and exhaustively;

  • theoretical clarity, linguistic accuracy and the use of the specific discipline language;

  • ability to re-elaborate critically and personally, also with references to the lessons.


- To attend the exam it is necessary to enroll through the platform "Almaesami" respecting the deadlines. Those who failed to enroll for technical problems by the deadline, must communicate promptly the problem to the teaching secretariat before the official closure of the enrolling list. It will be faculty of the professor admit them to attend the exam.

- In the summer exam session students can enroll only in one of the two dates set in June, while they can always enroll in the one in July.


Teaching tools

Power point, videos, and other materials will be used during the lessons. They will not be uploaded on the web site.

Participation in events within the program of the International Festival of History is planned.

Office hours

See the website of Mirella D'Ascenzo