30 new scholarships to deserving international students
The University of Bologna is offering 30 new scholarships to deserving international students who intend to enrol in second cycle degree programmes in a.y. 2025/26.
Scholarships are worth €6.500 gross and include full exemption from tuition fees.
Scholarships and exemptions are awarded for two academic years, based on GRE test scores and the verification of financial status. Payment of instalments is subject to conditions of merit.
You can apply for International Talents @Unibo if you meet the following requirements:
- qualification: you have obtained, or are in the process of obtaining, a qualification belonging to a non-Italian education system, valid for access to your second cycle programme.
- merit: you will have taken the GRE test by the deadline for application: GRE is an aptitude and skills assessment test that can be taken in affiliated centres in various countries around the world or online (if offered by the organisation in charge). You must register for the tests through the websites of the organisations in charge.
The test is held in English.
- financial status: you have an ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) of between €16.000 and €35.000 or equivalent financial status, if you cannot submit an ISEE certificate because your family has income outside Italy.
Read the information on the documentation to certify your family's economic situation valid for 2025. Carefully check the required documents to prepare them in good time, because you will have to submit them by the deadline of the call and it can take several weeks to obtain them.
age: you must not be older than 30 years on the closing date of the call for applications
Detailed information are available in the call for applications.
Timing and methods
- Publication of the call for applications: 17 January 2025
- Deadline for submitting applications (complete with test results and documentation on the family's economic situation): 30 May 2025, at 12:00 CEST
- Publication of results: July 2025
Applications must be submitted exclusively via Studenti Online.
Please note: you must have already taken GRE test by the deadline. Remember to send your results to the University of Bologna, using code7850 in time to meet the deadline set out in the call for the receipt of results.
The application for the International Talents @Unibo call is valid only for requesting the scholarship.
For admission to degree programmes, you must carry out the procedures required for each programme and published on the second cycle degree programmes websites.
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Students enrolling in degree programmes or single course units
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