Tuition fee reduction for graduating students with specific requirements who only have to sit the final examination

If you have been enrolled for a number of years exceeding the normal degree programme duration plus one and you only have to sit the final examination, your tuition fees may be reduced.

The benefit consists of the allocation of a reduced fee of:

  • 500 euros if you graduate by 30 September, 2025 (or 30 November, 2025, for healthcare professional degree programmes);
  • 1,000 euros if you graduate by 31 December, 2025.

To obtain this benefit, you must submit the application by participating in the call for applications that will be published, approximately, in January 2025.

Eligibility for participation is open to those who have been enrolled, or intend to enrol, in the 2024/25 academic year for a duration exceeding the standard course length by one year.

To determine the duration of your enrollment, you must start from the academic year of your first university enrollment, even if it was at a different university or for a different degree programme than the one you are currently enrolled in.

For example, if you are enrolled in:

  • a Bachelor's Degree programme (normal duration 3 years), you can participate if the enrollment occurred in the 2020/21 academic year or earlier;
  • a Single-Cycle Master's Degree programme of 5 years (normal duration), you can participate if the enrollment occurred in the in the 2018/19 academic year or earlier;
  • a Single-Cycle Master's Degree programme of 6 years (normal duration), you can participate if the enrollment occurred in the in the 2017/18 academic year or earlier;
  • a Master's degree programme, you can participate if the enrollment occurred in the 2021/22 academic year or earlier.

In order to obtain the benefit, you must:

  • submit an ISEE equal to or less than EUR 40,000 (the call for applications indicates how to submit the ISEE);
  • only have to sit the final examination, i.e. by the call expiry date you must have acquired all the University Educational Credits, both compulsory and elective, required to obtain the qualification, with the exception of those related to the final examination and learning activities to prepare for it, if any.


Ufficio Contribuzioni studentesche

Support or clarification on tuition fee and exemptions: amounts, deadlines and documents to be submitted

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