Laurea Magistrale (Second cycle degree/Two year Master - 120 ECTS) in Tourism Economics and Management

A.Y. 2024/2025 |Cod. 5910

  • Place of teaching

    Campus Rimini

  • Language


  • Degree Programme Class

    LM-56 - Economics

  • Type of access

    Open access with assessment of personal competencies

  • International Programmes

    Delivered entirely in English

Why choose this programme

  1. You will live in an international and multicultural study environment.

  2. Recognised high quality teaching and research in the tourism sector.

  3. The Rimini campus, where the programme is based, is a major tourist destination.

  4. The programme focuses on the overall tourism destination system.

  5. The high quality of services offered by the Rimini Campus.

Looking back, I think TEaM was fundamental for me to achieve my current position. Having talked to and compared with professionals from around the world, I am convinced that TEaM is a complete and up to date course for someone aiming at a good career in the tourism sector.

Davide Cannata, graduate

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