Laurea Magistrale (Second cycle degree/Two year Master - 120 ECTS) in Resource Economics and Sustainable Development

A.Y. 2024/2025 |Cod. 8839

  • Place of teaching

    Campus Rimini

  • Language


  • Degree Programme Class

    LM-56 - Economics

  • Type of access

    Open access with assessment of personal competencies

  • International Programmes

    Delivered entirely in English

Why choose this programme

  1. A solid preparation in environmental economics

  2. A critical understanding of the issues involved in sustainable development both from a theoretical and practical perspective

  3. Multidisciplinary study programme and interdisciplinary approach

  4. Network of qualified international professors

  5. International environment with a diversity of academic backgrounds

RESD is where I started researching for and believing in a new economic model that benefits people and planet,with companies using business as a force for good.Now,this is what I’m working for! Rimini,so Italian and international,is a welcoming and dynamic community that placed the Blue Economy at the heart of its sustainability strategy.

Ilaria Balletto, RESD alumni

When you can attend the degree programme

At the moment there are no new open day

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