Admission to the Specialisation Schools is governed by the laws in force, as referred to in the calls for application.
Admission to a Specialisation School is subject to the possession of a second cycle degree ("specialistica" and "magistrale" degrees under the previous system, second and single cycle degree) or other suitable qualification obtained abroad. The Ministerial Decrees indicate the qualifications offering admission to the Specialisation School, including any additional learning credits required; these must already have been obtained by the deadline for submission of applications.
Specialisation Schools run on a restricted access basis. Registration with the School is subject to the passing of an entrance exam and the assessment of qualifications.
The competition based procedure will apply even if there are fewer candidates than to available number of places. The competition procedure aims to establish a ranking list to cover the available places, admitting all students passing the competition up to the maximum number of places.
The competition and admission methods and instructions concerning registration are given in the specific call for applications.