Professional Master programme in Pediatric Urology: contemporary strategies from fetal life to adolescence - 5506

Code 5506
Academic Year 2024-2025
Subject area Health
Campus Bologna
Level Second
Director Prof. Mario Lima
Duration Annual
Teaching methods Conventional
Language English, Italian
Cost Total fee 1.000,00€
Instalments first instalment 500,00€ (to be paid by 20 November 2024); second instalment 500,00€ (to be paid by 30 January 2025)
Application deadline

Oct 16, 2024 (Expired)

Enrolment start and end From November 6th, 2024, to November 20th, 2024.
Main Department
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - DIMEC
Professional Profile
Pursuant to Decree no. 270 of 22 October 2004 of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, for academic year 2024/2025, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Administrative office of Bologna, will run a II-level Professional Master’s Programme in “Pediatric Urology: contemporary strategies from fetal life to adolescence”.
The Professional Master’s Programme has been set up on the proposal of the Department of DIMEC and in cooperation with Fondazione Alma Mater.
The Professional Master’s Programme aims to the following learning outcomes to sharpen clinical and surgical skills in the management of malignant and benign urological pathologies with particular reference to traditional and minimally invasive reconstructive and demolition techniques (including robotic assistance), thus forming the professional figure of expert surgeon in the management of Urogenital pathologies (antenatal, clinical, traditional and minimally invasive treatment) in the pediatric patient.
-Places in excess of the maximum number reserved for students with a certified legal disability of 66% or more or with a certification under Law 104/92 (optional, at the director’s discretion): No. 2 places for students in excess of the maximum number are provided, subject to passing the selection. Such students will be exempted from paying tuition fees, net of any fixed costs and of the selection procedure participation fee.
For more information, please see Art. 1 of the Call for Applications.
Number of participants
Min: 4 Max: 10
Admission qualifications
- second cycle or single cycle degree obtained under D.M. 270/04 or second cycle degree or single cycle degree obtained under the laws previously in force (DM 509/99 and Old Regulations) in the following fields or classes: LM-41 Medicine and Surgery; second cycle or single cycle degree obtained abroad deemed equivalent to those described in point above by the admission committee, for the purposes of admission to the Master.

It should in any case be noted that the following are required:
a) a 2nd cycle qualification obtained in Italy according to the Bologna Process (degree from the previous system, specialist/2nd cycle degree, single cycle degree)
b) an equivalent qualification obtained abroad under the legal degree system of the country issuing the qualification.
Other requirements
Specialization in Paediatric Surgery or enrolment in the Specialization in Paediatric Surgery; Professional qualification - Registration in the Italian Medical Register (Albo italiano dei Medici Chirurghi).
Selection criteria
Selection based on qualifications and interview.
The maximum score given by the Admission Board is 50 points, of which the breakdown is as follows: 20 points allocated for the assessment of the candidates' qualifications and the remaining 30 points allocated for the assessment of the oral examination on urological topics.
The minimum score of 35/50 must be achieved to pass the selection.
In the event of a tie, the candidate with the highest score in the oral exam will rank higher. In the event of a tie also in the oral exam, the younger candidate will rank higher.

Ranking list publication date: 6 November 2024
The ranking lists may be viewed on Studenti Online using your username and password
Selection date
Oct 22, 2024
Study plan
  • Embriology of kidney and urinary tract - Subject group: MED/20 - Professor in charge: Lucio Ildebrando Cocco

  • Functional aspects of upper and lower urinary tract - Subject group: MED/20 - Professor in charge: Davide Martelli

  • Prenatal diagnosis of urinary malformations - Subject group: MED/40 - Professor in charge: Giuliana Simonazzi

  • Renal transplant - Subject group: MED/20 - Professor in charge: Matteo Cescon

  • Surgical anatomy of kidney and urinary tract - Subject group: MED/20 - Professor in charge: Lucia Manzoli

  • Surgical treatment of horseshoe kidney: indications and techniques - Subject group: MED/20 - Professor in charge: Giovanna Riccipeti-toni

  • Multicystic kidney and renal cysts - Subject group: MED/20 - Professor in charge: Boris Chertin

  • Urolitias - Subject group: MED/20 - Professor in charge: Marco Garofalo

  • Minimally invasive nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy - Subject group: MED/20 - Professor in charge: Giovanna Riccipetitoni

  • Urinary diversion - Subject group: MED/20 - Professor in charge: Eugenio Bruno-cilla

  • Wilms tumor and other renal tumors - Subject group: MED/38- Professor in charge: Luigi Tommaso Corvaglia

  • Minimally invasive pediatric surgery in urology - Subject group: MED/20 - Professor in charge: Mario Lima

  • Robot-assisted urological approach - Subject group: MED/20 - Professor in charge: Riccardo Schiavina

  • Hypospadias: surgical techniques – Subject group: MED/20 – Professor in charge: Mario Lima

Compulsory attendance

AlmaLaurea Master’s Degree survey results