Professional Master programme in Advanced Emergency Management in the Transportation Sector - 6161

Code 6161
Academic Year 2024-2025
Subject area Health
Campus Bologna
Level Second
Director Prof. Jennifer Pascali
Duration Annual
Teaching methods Conventional
Language English, Italian
Cost 4.000, 00 €
Instalments first instalment 2.500,00 € (to be paid by 27 November 2024); second instalment 1.500,00 € (to be paid by the date prescribed by 31 November 2024)
Application deadline

Nov 07, 2024 (Expired)

Enrolment start and end 13th November-27 November
Main Department
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - DIMEC
Professional Profile
Pursuant to Decree no. 270 of 22 October 2004 of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, for academic year 2024/2025, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Administrative office of Bologna, will run a 2nd -level Professional Master’s Programme in “Advanced Emergency Management in the Transportation Sector”.
The Professional Master’s Programme has been set up on the proposal of the Department of Medical and Chirurgical sciences.
The master's program is proposed by the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences. Its objective is to train professionals capable of intervening in emergency management in catastrophic scenarios. These professionals will have skills in coordinating inspection activities and collecting the technical-scientific elements necessary for forensic purposes from the first aid phase. They will support the Judicial Authority, gain knowledge on the multidisciplinary nature of intervention, communication, damage assessment, and prevention. Classroom teaching will be integrated with theoretical-practical activities, including the discussion of real cases and participation in theoretical-practical exercises.
-No. 1 place for students in excess of the maximum number are provided, subject to passing the selection. Such students will be exempted from paying tuition fees, net of any fixed costs and of the selection procedure participation fee. For more information, please see Art. 1 of the Call for Applications.

-On part-time Professional Master’s Programmes only, two places in excess of the maximum number are reserved for professional staff and foreign language instructors of the University of Bologna. Such students will be exempted from paying tuition fees, net of any fixed costs. Preferably before registering for selection, please complete the form available on the intranet page Measures for participation of professional staff and foreign language instructors in postgraduate programmes recognised by the University of Bologna. APOS will inform the applicants directly of the outcome of their request.
For further information, please contact

-Participation is open to auditors, up to 20% of enrolled students, in accordance with the Call for Applications.
Those who wish to attend as auditors must inform directly the Professional Master’s Programme secretariat and will be notified of the acceptance of their request, as well as of the deadline and methods for registration and payment of the attendance fee. The attendance fee for auditors is € 2500 (to be paid in a single instalment upon registration). Auditors do not sit the final exam, have no attendance obligation, are not required to do an internship or prepare project work, do not earn CFUs and are not awarded the Professional Master’s qualification in Advanced Emergency Management in the Transportation Sector. The Secretariat will issue a certificate of attendance stating the number of hours completed by each auditor.
Number of participants
Min: 8 Max: 15
Admission qualifications
- master's degrees obtained pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 (or second cycle degrees possibly obtained pursuant to the previous regulations Ministerial Decree 509/99 and Old Regulation) in the following disciplinary fields/degree classes: Medicine and Surgery LM-41, Chemical Sciences LM-54, Law LMG/01, Biotechnology LM7-LM8-LM9, Biology LM6, Political Science LM-36, Management Engineering LM-31, Transport Systems Engineering ICAR-05, as well as the corresponding specialist graduates and four-year graduates of the old order in the degrees corresponding to those reported above, four-year degree V.O. equivalent to those reported above pursuant to Legislative Decree 5.5.2004 and Legislative Decree 9.7.2009.
- master's degrees obtained abroad in the disciplinary fields indicated above and considered valid for the purposes of admission to the Master.

The selection commission reserves the right to evaluate other types of degrees in light of the student's specific skills during the selection interview.
Selection criteria
Selection based on qualifications and interview. Verification of English language proficiency.

The maximum score that can be attributed by the Judging Commission is 100 (one hundred) points, of which 40 points are assigned following the evaluation of the qualifications and the remaining 60 points assigned following the evaluation of the oral test. The minimum score to achieve eligibility is set at 60 (sixty).
In the event of an ex-aequo, the person who obtained the highest score in the oral test precedes; in the event of a further tie, the candidate who is younger in age precedes.
Selection date
Nov 11, 2024
Place of teaching
Study plan

Forensic Biomedical Sciences in Disaster Management in the Transportation Sector - SSD: MEDS/25A CFU: 1 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Susi Pelotti

Driving Skills and Evaluation Criteria - SSD: MEDS/25A CFU: 2 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Guido Pelletti

Psychiatric Disorders and Stress Management- SSD: MEDS-11/A CFU: 2 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Domenico Berardi

Preventive Forensic-Toxicological Assessments in Transportation Safety - SSD: MEDS/25A CFU: 2 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Jennifer P. Pascali

Police Activity in the Management and Prevention of Transportation Safety and Emergency Management - SSD: MEDS/25A CFU: 1 - Lead Instructor: Dr. Mario Mazzotti

Health and Safety at Work: Insights in Occupational Medicine- SSD: MEDS/25B CFU: 1 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Francesco S. Violante

Assessments of Workers: Individual and Community Rights - SSD: MEDS/25A CFU: 1 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Susi Pelotti

Ethical and Deontological Aspects in Transportation Safety and Emergency Intervention - SSD: MEDS/25A CFU: 1 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Francesca Ingravallo

Damage Assessment and Compensation for Violent Death Victims- SSD: MEDS/25A CFU: 1 - Lead Instructor: Dr. Arianna Giorgetti

The Contribution of INAIL to Transportation Safety - SSD: MEDS/25A CFU: 1 - Lead Instructor: Dr. Antonio Ravazzoni

Legal Aspects of Transportation Safety - SSD: GIUR-02/B CFU: 1 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Greta Tellarini

Road Safety: The European Union Strategy - SSD: GIUR-10/A CFU: 1 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Federico Casolari

AI4Forensic Sciences: Multimodal Integration and Data Quality for Complex Scenario Reconstruction- SSD: PHYS-06/A CFU: 1 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Gastone Castellani

Forensic Medical Inspection in Major Accidents - SSD: MEDS/25A CFU: 2 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Susi Pelotti

Forensic Medical Inspection in Major Accidents- SSD: MEDS/25A CFU: 3 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Paolo Fais

Personal Identification Techniques: Genetics/Anthropology - SSD: MEDS/25A CFU: 2 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Carla Bini

Post-Mortem Forensic-Toxicological Assessments - SSD: MEDS/25A CFU: 2 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Jennifer P. Pascali

Interpretation of Scientific Evidence for Causal Links in Public Health - SSD: MEDS-24/B CFU: 1 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Lamberto Manzoli

Advanced Traffic Accident Reconstruction- SSD: IIND-01/E CFU: 1 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Mattia Strangi

Information, Communication, and Risk Perception - SSD: GSPS-06/A CFU: 1 - Lead Instructor: Prof. Pina Lalli

Safety Management System for Accident Prevention - SSD: LM-11 CFU: 3 - Lead Instructor: Dr. Laura Nobili

The Investigative Process: Investigation Management and Feedback on Safety- SSD: DS/1 CFU: 4 - Lead Instructor: Dr. Italo Oddone

Family assistance-SSD: GSPS-02/A CFU: 3- Lead Instructor: Dott.ssa Monica Maccaferri

Management of complex scenario- SSD: MEDS-05/A CFU: 2- Lead instructor: Dr. Rodolfo Ferrari

Hours and CFU dedicated to the project work: 14 CFU and 350 hours. The project work will be agreed upon with a master's program professor and will involve the theoretical and practical application of a topic chosen from those presented during the course. The project will be presented during the final discussion