Professional Master programme in Data Science and Business Analytics - 5835

Code 5835
Academic Year 2024-2025
Subject area Sciences and technology
Campus Bologna
Level First
Director Claudio Sartori
Duration Annual
Teaching methods Conventional
Language English
Cost 14,800.00 Euro
Instalments First instalment 1,850.00 Euro - Second instalment 7,000.00 Euro (deadline 31 December 2024) - Third instalment 5,950.00 Euro (deadline 30 April 2025)
Study grants yes
Application deadline

Sep 23, 2024 (Expired)

PRE-ENROLMENT Window 1 - 14/03/2024; PRE-ENROLMENT Window 2 - 06/05/2024; PRE-ENROLMENT Window 3 - 08/07/2024; PRE-ENROLMENT Window 4 - 09/09/2024; PRE-ENROLMENT Window 5 - 23/09/2024.
Enrolment start and end Window 1: from 03/04/2024 to 23/04/2024; Window 2: from 28/05/2024 to 18/06/2024; Window 3: from 25/07/2024 to 05/09/2024; Window 4: from 26/09/2024 to 08/10/2024; Window 5: from 01/10/2024 to 08/10/2024.
Main Department
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - DISI
Professional Profile
The programme aims to enable young professionals from different backgrounds to learn techniques used to manage, manipulate and analyze increasing amounts of data that trace and nourish the economic and social processes of today. The Master offers three different types of skills: solid IT background, understanding of technological aspects and knowledge of business dynamics.
Number of participants
Min: 12 Max: 40
Study grants
Reduced fees (article 6 of the call)
International Professional Master's programme
Admission qualifications
- All first cycle degree and/or second / single cycle degree obtained under D.M. 270/04 or first cycle degree and/or second / single cycle degree obtained under the laws previously in force (DM 509/99 and Old Regulations);

- first cycle degree and/or second / single cycle degree obtained abroad deemed equivalent to those described in the point above by the admission committee, for the purposes of admission to the Master.
Linguistic skills
Proficiency of the English language
Selection criteria
Admission to the Master is subject to a positive total score of the selection process, which is based on a written
aptitude test, a written English language test and a motivational interview.
The maximum score given by the Admission Board is 100 points. A minimum score of 60/100 must be achieved to pass the selection.
The written aptitude test and the written language test do not award any points but are instead judged on a pass/fail basis as a necessary qualification to attend the motivational interview.

The evaluation process will take place:
- for those enrolled to window 1: 18/03/2024 (written aptitude test and written language test) and 20-21/03/2024 (motivational interview)
- for those enrolled to window 2: 09/05/2024 (written aptitude test and written language test) and 15-16/05/2024; (motivational interview)
- for those enrolled to window 3: 11/07/2024 (written aptitude test and written language test) and 17 18/07/2024 (motivational interview)
- for those enrolled to window 4: 12/09/2024 (written aptitude test and written language test) and 18-19/09/2024 (motivational interview)

At Bologna Business School at a time that will be communicated and in any case between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Italian time.
Candidates attending the test must bring a valid identification document with them.
Place of teaching
Bologna Business School - Via degli Scalini 18 - 40136 Bologna
Study plan
  1. Big Data for Industry 4.0- ING-INF/05
  2. Business intelligence & data warehouse - ING-INF/05
  3. Performance measurement system - SECS -P/07
  4. Customer & marketing analytics - SECS-P/08
  5. Statistics and data analytics - SECS-S/01
  6. Data mining - ING-INF/05
  7. Business Ethics and Sustainability - SPS/08
  8. Big data lab - ING-INF 05
  9. Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence - ING-INF/05
  10. Machine learning - ING-INF/05
  11. Operation analytics (elective) - ING-IND/35
  12. Text mining and Natural Language Processing - ING-INF/05
  13. Law and Tech - IUS/01
  14. Digital Transformation - SECS-P/08
  15. Digital Economics - SECS-P/01
  16. Neural Networks and Deep Learning (elective) - NF/01
  17. Fundamentals of Cyber Security (elective) - INF/01
  18. Blockchain Finance (elective) - INF/01
  19. Entrepreneurial Finance (elective) - SECS-P/09
Compulsory attendance
20 cfu

AlmaLaurea Master’s Degree survey results

Professional Master programme notices

NEW WINDOW (Window 5): Pre-enrolment from 10/09/2024 to 23/09/2024 (1:00 pm CEST) - Selections: 25/09/2024 (written test); 26/09/2024 (interview) - Registration from 01/10/2024 to 08/10/2024

The qualified candidates are informed that the places available for the window V are those remaining from the first, second, third and fourth window for a maximum total of 40