Professional Master programme in Cybersecurity: from design to operations - 5600

Code 5600
Academic Year 2023-2024
Subject area Sciences and technology
Campus Bologna
Level First
Director Marco Prandini
Duration Annual
Teaching methods Conventional
Language English
Cost 4.900,00 €
Instalments first instalment € 2.450,00 (to be paid by the deadline set for enrolment 02/11/2023); second instalment € 2.450,00 (to be paid by 30/01/2024)
Application deadline

Sep 29, 2023 (Expired)

Enrolment start and end from 23 October 2023 to 2 November 2023
Main Department
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - DISI
Professional Profile
The programme lasts for one year, classroom training is delivered in English language, awards 60 CFU credits and aims the following learning outcomes The Master’s goal is to train, within a business context, experts in security of hardware-software IT infrastructures for the management of critical systems and data processing. In particular, the Master’s provides skills in the analysis of existing criticalities, as well as expertise in the design, planning, integration and deployment of security solutions on both an application and network level, in all infrastructure and process operating phases.
Number of participants
Min: 11 Max: 18
International Professional Master's programme
Admission qualifications
- first cycle degree and/or second / single cycle degree obtained under D.M. 270/04 or first cycle degree and/or second / single cycle degree obtained under the laws previously in force (DM 509/99 and Old Regulations) in the following fields or classes: : L-8 INGEGNERIA DELL’INFORMAZIONE L-31 SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE INFORMATICHE LM-18 INFORMATICA LM-25 INGEGNERIA DELL’AUTOMAZIONE LM 26 INGEGNERIA DELLA SICUREZZA LM-27 INGEGNERIA DELLE TELECOMUNICAZIONI LM-28 INGEGNERIA ELETTRICA LM-29 INGEGNERIA ELETTRONICA LM-32 INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA LM 66 SICUREZZA INFORMATICA;

- first cycle degree and/or second / single cycle degree obtained abroad deemed equivalent to those described in point above by the admission committee, for the purposes of admission to the Master;

- on the basis of a positive evaluation by the Selection Committee, candidates with other degrees in the scientific field may also be admitted to the selection process, as long as they have a curriculum vitae et studiorum that documents a qualified preliminary competence in the subjects covered by the Master;
Other requirements
- All candidates must possess basic knowledge of operating systems, computer networks and C and Java programming languages. This requirement will be considered implicitly fulfilled with the completion of equivalent exams, certified in the candidate's study curriculum. In the absence of the said certifications, the required competences will be assessed during the interview with the candidate.
Selection criteria
Admission to the Master is subject to a positive opinion based on the assessment of the candidate's qualifications and the outcomes of an interview.
Selection date
Oct 12, 2023
Study plan
  • Fundamentals of Security and Cryptography SSD: ING-INF/05 - docente titolare: Rebecca Montanari
  • Network security and administration SSD: IING-INF/03 - docente titolare: Franco Callegati
  • Computer security and administration SSD: ING-INF/05 - docente titolare: Marco Prandini
  • Security engineering I - Secure Coding SSD: INF/01- docente titolare: Diego Dimalta
  • Security engineering II - web app security and testing SSD: ING-INF/05 - docente titolare: Giuseppe Porcu
  • Security engineering III - Mobile security and testing  SSD: ING-INF/05 - docente titolare: Alfonso Solimeo
  • Security engineering IV - Industrial Control Systems SSD: ING-INF/05 - docente titolare: Andrea Melis
  • Security monitoring I - Malware analysis and detection  SSD: INF/01 - docente titolare: Luigi Martire
  • Security monitoring II - information correlation  SSD: INF/01 - docente titolare: Federico Foschini
  • Incident response SSD: ING-INF/05 - docente titolare: Luca Losio
  • Cyber Forensics SSD: INF/01 - docente titolare: Alessandro Amoroso

AlmaLaurea Master’s Degree survey results