Academic Year | 2021-2022 |
Subject area | Legal, Politological, Economic and Statistical Sciences |
Cycle | 37 |
Coordinator | Prof. Monica Palmirani |
Language | English |
Duration | 3 years |
Positions | 6 positions. More information in the PhD Programme Table |
Application deadline | Jun 04, 2021 at 12:00 PM (Expired) |
Enrolment period | From Jul 23, 2021 to Aug 02, 2021 |
Doctoral programme start date | Nov 01, 2021 |
- Operating centre
- Bologna
- Main Department
Department of Legal Studies - DSG
- Associated Departments
Alma Mater Research Institute For Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (Alma Human AI)
- Associated locations (agreements)
- Università degli studi di Torino (UNITO)
- Mobility abroad
- 12 months
- Research topics
- Human Rights and Ethical Principles in new and emerging technologies
- Ethics and law in Genetics
- Biotechnology and law
- Biobanks, DNA and research
- E-health and Privacy by Design applying AI and Big Data
- Privacy and eHealth information systems
- Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Health
- Semantic Web and Legal ontologies modelling
- Legal Analytics and AI for Legal Sources
- Legal Design techniques for transparency
- Data Science for Law
- Digital Humanities and legal sources
- LegalXML for legal document and knowledge modelling
- Information Systems for eJustice, eGovernment, and eLegislation
- Computational models of legal and ethical reasoning
- Intelligent Information extraction and NLP of legal resources
- e-Discovery and data mining in Legal domain
- Legal knowledge extraction using ML
- Formal Models of Norms and Legal Reasoning Logic-based models of norms and legal knowledge
- Legal reasoning, including argumentation and reasoning
- Argumentation systems Game theory as applied to the law
- Normative Multi-Agent Systems and e-Institutions Regulatory Compliance
- Automotive Self-driving system and liability
- Regulation of Robotics and Related Ethical Issues
- Privacy and Security with New Technology Cybercrime and Computer Forensics
- Computer forensics and security
- e-Business and Consumer Law
- e-Governance and e-Democracy social modelling
- IPR and New Technology
- Protection of children online for a safer Internet
- Digital citizenship and vulnerability of the minor digital identity
- Blockchain for legal domain
- eDemocracy: theoretical and technical models
- Artificial intelligence and democracy in the data society
- Artificial intelligence and eJustice: legal and technical solutions
- Big Data governance and law regulation balancing economical and individual rights
- Job opportunities and potential areas of employment
- The doctoral programme offers innovative and up-to-date integrated training enabling candidates to carry out cutting-edge research in different subjects, such as bioethics and law & computer science, in topics that require a genuine interdisciplinary approach. It includes an internship in the third year offered by 14 industries, where candidates can apply their research and complement it with a professional experience. Upon completing the programme, graduates will become highly skilled researchers and professionals, meeting the requirements of the public and private sectors. They will be able qualified to seek employment, for example, in:
- law firms working on IPR, privacy, e-commerce, and patenting;
- high-tech software houses where artificial intelligence is applied;
- specialised research centres such as medical genetic centres, nanotechnology centres, and robotics laboratories;
- government offices that manage innovative ICT and eGovernment, eJustice, and eParliament projects;
- ethics committees that analyse scientific innovations and write policy documents.
- Admission Board
Surname Name University / Institution Role email Bouvry Pascal University of Luxembourg Member Cole Mark University of Luxembourg Member Durante Massimo Università di Torino Member Górriz López Carlos Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) Member Palmirani Monica Università di Bologna Member Sartor Giovanni Università di Bologna Member Vedder Anton Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) Member Ziccardi Giovanni Università di Milano Member Artosi Alberto Università di Bologna Substitute Baldoni Matteo Università degli Studi di Torino Substitute Caso Roberto Università di Trento Substitute Heinze Christian Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany) Substitute Omicini Andrea Università di Bologna Substitute Van Der Torre Leon Université du Luxembourg Substitute
- Learning outcomes
- LAST-JD is an International PhD programme. The consortium is composed of 29 partners (9 beneficiaries, 2 research centers, 4 associated universities, 14 industries) with seven EU countries (Italy, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Spain, Austria, Germany, Belgium) and two non-EU countries (Australia, USA). The nine universities are: the universities of Bologna, Turin, Luxembourg (LU), the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Mykolas Romeris University, KU Leuven, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Universität Wien the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. All the said universities share framework co-tutelle agreements for the awarding of double degrees. The objective of the doctoral programme in Law, Science and Technology (LAST-JD) is to offer interdisciplinary integrated competences making it possible to deal with the new challenges the information society and the newly emerging technologies will increasingly pose in the future in the legal domain and the socio-ethical field. Upon completing of the doctoral programme, participants will be able to become legal professionals in specific ICT domains like software, databases, big data, AI, blockchain, robotics; government officials capable of managing eGovernment projects; researchers in specialised laboratories (medical genetic or nanotechnology); members of ethics committees; computer-forensics and security experts; legal-knowledge engineers. IoE technologies are viewed through the lens of the law, ethics, and human rights. Particular attention is dedicated to the Internet of Data, the Internet of Things, the Internet of Persons, the Internet of Health, the Internet of Money.
- Activities to be carried out by Doctoral candidates
- The first term (in UNIBO) provides the methodological instruments needed to do research, while harmonizing the educational stock of knowledge that PhD candidates bring from different backgrounds. The first semester is organized as follows:
- 12 ECTS of lecture courses
- 2 ECTS for Personal Career Development Plan (PCDP)
- 16 ECTS of research.
In the second semester PhD candidates are to research their thesis topic in depth and find a suitable destination in UNITO:
- 12 ECTS of lecture courses
- 18 ECTS of research.
In the third term candidates shall organize a training period in a site which in their assessment is best suited for an internship pertaining to the thesis domain (in UL/UAB):
- 12 ECTS of lecture courses
- 18 ECTS of research.
In the remaining semesters we have the following activities:
- 24 ECTS of research
- 2 ECTS for PCDP
- 40 ECTS for thesis writing. - Research training activities compliant with the Doctoral programme's learning outcomes
- University of Bologna:
10 hours of lectures for a methodological course on doctoral research instruments; 30 hours of lectures providing an overview of the main topics, or specific courses for each type of degree background in order to fill gaps in students’ knowledge not provided by previous education; 5 hours Intellectual propriety rights; 20 hours Italian language; summer schools.
Torino University
15 hours of lectures on Informatic fundamentals; 15 hours smart cities, sensors, robotics and IoT; 15 hours AI&Law; 15 hours IT&Law; 10 hours EU project management; 20 hours Italian language.
Université du Luxembourg:
20 hours Legal reasoning e smart contracts in IoT; 20 hours Argumentation in MultiAgents Systems; 20 hours Transnational regulation of the Internet.
Universitad Automoma de Barcelona:
10 hours BioLaw; 10 hours BioEthics, 10 hours specific workshops on the research topics chosen by PhD candidates for their thesis project. - Internationalization features
- Three mobility periods, for a total of 12 months, are required to ensure that all students follow courses in an integrated way and can benefit from the specific expertise available at partners universities, providing in particular an opportunity to experience research activity in departments of different kinds and to familiarize with local languages and the different legal systems of the EU. The 9 partner universities provide a coordinated training offer, in terms of experts, workshops, conferences, research topics, tutors, all boosting the internationalization features of the PhD programme. Associated partners procide multiple training opportunities (ITTIG-CNR, Data61- CSIRO, Univ. del Piemonte Orientale, Univ. di Pittsburgh, Univ. La Trobe, Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho UB).
- Expected research results and products
- By end of first semester: Literature and archival map presented to, discussed with, and approved by the Academic Board
By end of second semester: Review of archival work completed and draft outline of the dissertation approved by the Academic Board.
By end of third semester: analytical table of contents presented to, and approved by, the Academic Board.
By end of fourth semester: completed chapter presented to, and approved by, the Academic Board.
By end of fifth semester: majority of chapters complete and presented in pre-final draft to Committee.
By middle of sixth semester: written text entirely completed in pre-final form; then archival checks and polishing of prose, work ready for defence.
At the end the doctoral candidate must achieve two papers published in conference proceedings or journal, and to attend at least two international or national conferences.
- Doctoral programme Academic Board
Surname Name University / Institution Qualification Artosi Alberto Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Baldoni Matteo Università degli studi di Torino Professore Associato confermato Baroglio Cristina Università degli studi di Torino Professore Associato confermato Biasiotti Mariangela Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Ricercatori Boella Guido Università degli studi di Torino Professore Ordinario (L. 240/10) Bouvry Pascal Université du Luxembourg Professore di Univ. Straniera Brighi Raffaella Università di Bologna Professore Associato (L. 240/10) Casanovas Pompeu La Trobe University Professore di Univ. Straniera Caso Roberto Università di Trento Professore Associato confermato Cole Mark Université du Luxembourg Professore di Univ. Straniera Contissa Giuseppe Università di Bologna Ricercatore a tempo determinato De Lecuona Itziar Automoma Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) Professore di Univ. Straniera Di Caro Luigi Università degli studi di Torino Ricercatore a tempo determinato Durante Massimo Università degli studi di Torino Professore Associato Faro Sebastiano Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Dirigente di ricerca Finocchiaro Giusella Dolores Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Forgò Nikolaus University of Vienna Professore di Univ. Straniera Górriz López Carlos Automoma Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) Professore di Univ. Straniera Heinze Christian Leibniz Universität Hannover Professore di Univ. Straniera Kiskis Mindauguas Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) Professore di Univ. Straniera Krügel Tina Leibniz Universität Hannover Professore di Univ. Straniera Limba Tadas Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) Professore di Univ. Straniera Pagallo Ugo Università degli studi di Torino Professore Ordinario Palmirani Monica Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Poblet Marta Automoma Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) Professore di Univ. Straniera Rodríguez Doncel Víctor Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Ricercatore di Univ. Straniera Roversi Corrado Università di Bologna Professore Associato Sartor Giovanni Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Van Der Torre Leendert Université du Luxembourg Professore di Univ. Straniera Vedder Anton Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) Professore di Univ. Straniera Ziccardi Giovanni Università di Milano Statale Professore Associato confermato Zullo Silvia Università di Bologna Professore Associato
See also
- AMS phD thesis (in Italian) Published