Academic Year | 2021-2022 |
Subject area | Medical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Medical Sciences |
Cycle | 37 |
Coordinator | Prof. Fabio Piscaglia |
Language | Italian |
Duration | 3 years |
Positions | 12 positions. More information in the PhD Programme Table. |
Application deadline | May 21, 2021 at 12:00 PM (Expired) |
Enrolment period | From Jul 15, 2021 to Jul 26, 2021 |
Doctoral programme start date | Nov 01, 2021 |
- Operating centre
- Bologna
- Main Department
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - DIMEC
- Associated Departments
Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences - DIBINEM
- Associated locations (agreements)
- Azienda USL della Romagna
- Research topics
- Ultrasound in Human Medicine
- Public health and occupational medicine
- Dentistry for the disabled
- Maternal and child medicine
- Pathophysiology of sexual development
- Onco Hepatology
- Medical Statistics
- Oncological Genetics
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Bio-medico-legal Sciences
- Job opportunities and potential areas of employment
- - In Italian and foreign Universities as researchers and / or teachers
- National Health Service as medical Director or Affiliated Physicians
- Private Practice Medical Professional
- Employees or professionals of the Pharmaceutical / Biomedical Diagnostics Industry
- Admission Board
Surname Name University/Institution Role email Aceti Arianna Università di Bologna Member Gasparre Giuseppe Università di Bologna Member Pelotti Susi Università di Bologna Member Simonazzi Giuliana Università di Bologna Member Domenicali Marco Università di Bologna Substitute Granito Alessandro Università di Bologna Substitute Pilu Gianluigi Università di Bologna Substitute Rucci Paola Università di Bologna Substitute Marco Domenicali (Azienda Usl della Romagna, shall take part in the work of the Examination Board as expert member.
- Learning outcomes
- The PhD candidate will acquire knowledge in epidemiology and biostatistic, including the acquisition of statistical skills and methods for the quantitative analysis of the variability in biological phenomena, with particular emphasis on epidemiological studies and the use of statistical packages which enable researchers from different disciplines to deal with statistical issues of their future career. The PhD candidate will acquire knowledge and planning skills by participating into research works finalised to become able to organise and manage independently a clinical trial. The educational mission is achieved by didactic training, scientific research, scientific and technical education and organisational and managerial training. In some projects context, the PhD candidate will also acquire specific knowledge in molecular biology and he will become able to manage and accomplish experimental tests on cell cultures and small animals, including the management of requirements for ethics committee.
- Activities to be carried out by Doctoral candidates
- - Basic research in the laboratories of the different projects of PhD programme
- Clinical Research on the basis of clinical activities performed by the PhD candidate supported by their tutor
- Literature search through databases and medical-scientific search engines available to PhD candidates for creation of original research projects - Research training activities compliant with the Doctoral programme's learning outcomes
- - Lectures which will be held also (and mainly in the COVID pandemic period) from remote
- Attendance of seminars by national and international experts
- Attendance of laboratories
- Participation in national and international conferences with attendance of specialized courses of study (virtual partecipation from remote during the COVID period)
- Preparation and exhibition of scientific presentations at national and international conferences
- Critical review of scientific articles published in international journals - Internationalization features
- Periods abroad will be organized, optionally, for a minimum of one months (hopefully at least three months), to conduct and / or complete research projects. Foreign teachers will conduct seminars and classes as part of the educational PhD programme. A cotutelle agreement with the University of Cluj Napoca for exchange of teachers and PhD candidates has been signed. The PhD coordinator is Visiting Professor for doctoral studies at this Rumenian University. Tutors will stimulate and support participation of the PhD candidates in calls for national and international research, for the allocation of research funds by planning international research programmes with research groups abroad. The PhD training activities can be found on the websites and will be disseminated at international scientific meetings in order to promote the participation of foreign graduate students. One PhD candidate funded by the European grants of the funded Training towards Innovative Personalized Antibiotic Therapy (TIPAT) project (Marie Curie projects) has been registered for the 36 Cycle of the PhD programme.
- Expected research results and products
- - Participation in national and international scientific conferences as speakers with the publication of abstracts of congress (1-2 per year);
- Publication of book chapters or monographs;
- Publication of scientific papers related to the research activities in international journals with international selection committee (1 year).
- Doctoral programme Academic Board
Name Surname University/Institution Qualification Arianna Aceti Università di Bologna Ricercatore a tempo determinato Paolo Boffetta Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Matteo Cescon Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Luigi Tommaso Corvaglia Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Alessandro Cucchetti Università di Bologna Professore Associato Fabrizio De Ponti Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Marco Domenicali Università di Bologna Professore Associato Giuseppe Gasparre Università di Bologna Professore Associato Alessandro Granito Università di Bologna Ricercatore Confermato Marco Lenzi Università di Bologna Professore Associato Confermato Stefano Mattioli Università di Bologna Professore Associato Confermato Maria Cristina Meriggiola Università di Bologna Professore Associato Susi Pelotti Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Gianluigi Pilu Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Fabio Piscaglia Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Paola Rucci Università di Bologna Professore Associato Renato Seracchioli Università di Bologna Professore Associato Giuliana Simonazzi Università di Bologna Professore Associato Pierluigi Viale Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Francesco Saverio Violante Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario
See also
- AMS phD thesis (in Italian) Published