Academic Year | 2021-2022 |
Subject area | Mathematical Physical, Chemical and Astronomical Sciences |
Cycle | 37 |
Coordinator | Prof. Nadia Pinardi |
Language | English, Italian |
Duration | 3 years |
Positions | 20 positions. More information in the PhD Programme Table. |
Application deadline | May 21, 2021 at 12:00 PM (Expired) |
Enrolment period | From Jul 27, 2021 to Aug 05, 2021 |
Doctoral programme start date | Nov 01, 2021 |
- Operating centre
- Bologna
- Main Department
Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi" - DIFA
- Associated Departments
Department of Architecture - DADepartment of Cultural Heritage - DBCDepartment of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician" - CHIMDepartment of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari" - CHIMINDDepartment of Pharmacy and Biotechnology - FaBiTDepartment of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering - DICAMDepartment of Industrial Engineering - DINDepartment of Management - DiSADepartment of Agricultural and Food Sciences - DISTALDepartment of Economics - DSEDepartment of Political and Social Sciences - SPSDepartment of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati" - STATDepartment of Sociology and Business Law - SDEDepartment of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences - BiGeADepartment of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine - DIMESDepartment for Life Quality Studies - QUVI
- Mobility abroad
- 3 months
- Research topics
Curriculum 1. One Health
- Biodiversity loss and environmental impacts on health
- Environmental health risk factors
- Nutrition and health/disease determinants
- Antimicrobial resistance at human/animal/environmental interfaces
- Environmental health risks and law
- Climate change and emerging infectious diseases
- Microbiome at human/animal/environmental interfaces
- Food and water safety, sustainable food production, waste management
- Urban environment and human-animal relationships
- Diseases impact and management strategies at socio-economic and environmental levels
- Artificial intelligence applied to epidemiological and environmental data.
Curriculum 2. The earth system
- Solid earth physics
- Observations of the atmosphere, oceans and ecosystems
- Climate variations and modeling
- Atmospheric and ocean predictions
- Water and hydrology
- Carbon cycle and biogeochemical cycles
- Paleoclimate
- Hazard mapping and extreme events
- Machine Learning applied to earth system data.
Curriculum 3. Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability
- Food production and security
- Water resources and security
- Biodiversity, environment and nature conservation
- Economics of adaptation
- Resilient agriculture
- Cultural heritage conservation
- Recovery and reuse of materials
Curriculum 4. Technological innovations for a decarbonized society
- Energy and environmental efficient systems
- Renewable energy systems and products
- Green/blue/hybrid architecture
- Smart grids and positive energy districts
- Transport innovation
- Low carbon technologies
- Sustainable chemistry and engineering
- Industrial and Urban Symbiosis.
Curriculum 5. Socio-economic and legal studies for mitigation of climate change
- Social, Economic, and Ethical Concepts and Methods
- Sustainable Development and Equity
- International Cooperation
- Regional Development and Cooperation
- Cross-cutting Investment and Finance issues
- Environmental law
- Circular economy
- Communicating Climate Change.
- Job opportunities and potential areas of employment
- Holders of the PhD may find work opportunities in the public administration at the international, national, regional and local level, in all sectors of the economy, from environmental protection agencies to energy, transport and service industries and the national health system. Furthermore the programme will train engineers and scientists in earth system sciences, advanced solutions to mitigate climate change and manage environmental emergencies, human health management in the context of animal and environmental health, communication strategies and economic effects of climate change, thus defining the experts who could work in the fields of civil protection, public health, in industrial sectors and in the world of finance and economics in general. academia, research, government, industry and international organizations. PhD recipients will also be trained in big data analysis and algorithms and will be educated in the High Performance Computing and artificial intelligence and will be experts on information and communications technology.
- Admission Board
Surname Name University/Institution Curriculum Role email Armigliato Alberto Università di Bologna The earth system Member Camassi Romano INGV The earth system Member Coppini Giovanni CMCC The earth system Member Di Sabatino Silvana Università di Bologna The earth system Member Fabbri Daniele Università di Bologna Technological innovations for a decarbonized society Member Furia Annalisa Università di Bologna Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability Member Giorgini Loris Università di Bologna Technological innovations for a decarbonized society Member Gualdi Silvio CMCC The earth system Member Hrelia Silvana Università di Bologna One Health Member Masina Simona CMCC The earth system Member Montanari Alberto Università di Bologna Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability Member Navarra Antonio Università di Bologna The earth system Member Orsini Francesco Università di Bologna Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability Member Pezzo Giuseppe INGV The earth system Member Pinardi Nadia Università di Bologna One Health Member Scagliarini Alessandra Università di Bologna One Health Member Spada Giorgio Università di Bologna The earth system Member Ceola Serena Università di Bologna Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability Substitute Ciliberti Stefania CMCC The earth system Substitute Federico Ivan CMCC The earth system Substitute Materia Stefano CMCC The earth system Substitute Neve Mario Angelo Università di Bologna Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability Substitute Porcù Federico Università di Bologna The earth system Substitute Prosdocimi Gianquinto Giorgio Università di Bologna Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability Substitute Tarozzi Andrea Università di Bologna One Health Substitute Torri Cristian Università di Bologna Technological innovations for a decarbonized society Substitute Trotta Francesco Università di Bologna The earth system Substitute Versura Piera Università di Bologna One Health Substitute Zaniboni Filippo Università di Bologna The earth system Substitute The following shall take part in the work of the Examination Board as expert members: Marco Briscolini ( E4 Computer Engineering S.p.A.,, Eugenio Guerrieri (Curti Costruzioni Meccaniche S.p.a.,, Ángel G. Muñoz (International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) Columbia University,
- Learning outcomes
- The PhD focuses on earth sciences, climate change, mitigation/adaptation strategies, national and international policies and measures, one health, fostering multidisciplinary training. The learning outcomes align with the Sustainable Development Goals. PhD candidates will actively contribute to designing and implementing solutions, strategies and policies for sustainable development in the 21st century, researching ways to protect human, animal and environmental health, based on an advanced understanding of the risks deriving from climate change. The programme will train professionals in the fields of earth and climate sciences, food production, economics, human health in the environmental context and social sciences in the context of climate change for careers in academia, research, government, industry and international organizations.
- Activities to be carried out by Doctoral candidates
- During the first six months of the PhD, the candidate will have to follow both cross-disciplinary and specialization courses. In the second six months of the first year the candidate will be introduced in the different research groups of the curricula and every six months, meetings among candidates will be organized by the coordinator with all the candidates to check the progress. At the end of each year an event of 1-2 days will be organized between the Academic Board and the PhD candidates to check the development of the research. The first year will coincide with the presentation of the PhD research Plan and initial results. The PhD candidate will have to stay abroad at least for 3 months at a laboratory decided in agreement with the supervisor. The PhD candidate will have to follow at least 10 seminars per year on the main theme of his/her research. Furthermore, the candidate's research could be carried out at other Institutions of high education and/or research over the national territory under specific agreements approved by the Academic Board.
- Research training activities compliant with the Doctoral programme's learning outcomes
- The doctoral programme is organized around 5 curricula: one health; the earth system; impacts, adaptation and vulnerability; technological innovations for a decarbonised society; socio-economic and legal studies for mitigation of climate change. Candidates will have to choose one of these curricula as the main one and interdisciplinary training will be ensured by compulsorily attending at least three of the transversal courses of the five curricula.
Period 1: Transversal thematic courses
November 8, 2021- January 31, 2022
3 courses, each lasting 24 hours, chosen from the 5 curricula
Final tests in January 2022
Period 2: Specialized courses
February 1, 2022 - March 30, 2022 3
24-hour courses offered in the curricula
March 2022 final tests
The transversal and specialized courses are visible on the PhD programme website. - Internationalization features
- The language of the PhD programme will be English. We have an active co-supervision with the University of Barcelona in the Agriculture and Veterinary sector. The programme, through its One Health curriculum, is also linked to the UNA Europa action where the One Health Focus Area (UNAOH) is being organized for co-supervised doctorates on the subject.
- Expected research results and products
- The candidates are expected to produce articles in peer reviewed Journals, to participate to national and international Conferences presenting their work and to interface with the international community contributing to the research projects of the Departments. The candidates might be able to develop industrial prototypes and, whenever possible, patented products for commercial exploitation. The PhD programme is the first of this kind in Italy: due to the large number of Departments and the broad expertise brought together it has the potential to be a leading doctoral programme also in Europe.
- Doctoral programme Academic Board
Name Surname University/Institution Qualification Elettra Agliardi Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Renata Archetti Università di Bologna Professore Associato Beatrice Bertarini Università di Bologna Ricercatore a tempo determinato Silvia Bianconcini Università di Bologna Professore Associato Andrea Boeri Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Silvia Castellaro Università di Bologna Professore Associato Fabrizio Cavani Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Cristina Chiavari Università di Bologna Ricercatore a tempo determinato Luca Corelli Grappadelli Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Silvana Di Sabatino Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Annalisa Furia Università di Bologna Professore Associato Jacopo Gaspari Università di Bologna Professore Associato Paolo Gasperini Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Silvana Hrelia Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Luca Lambertini Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Francesco Melino Università di Bologna Professore Associato Alberto Montanari Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Matteo Mura Università di Bologna Professore Associato Juri Nascimbene Università di Bologna Professore Associato Francesco Orsini Università di Bologna Professore Associato Francesco Paolucci Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Nadia Pinardi Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Riccardo Prandini Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Claudia Romagnoli Università di Bologna Professore Associato Ernesto Salzano Università di Bologna Professore Associato Alessandra Scagliarini Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Sahra Talamo Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Andrea Tarozzi Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Alessandro Tavoni Università di Bologna Ricercatore a tempo determinato Massimiliano Trentin Università di Bologna Professore Associato Ivano Vassura Università di Bologna Professore Associato Piera Versura Università di Bologna Professore Associato
Final Rankig list
See also
- AMS PhD thesis (in Italian) Published