96451 - Laboratory in Preparation of the Thesis (1) (G.F)

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Drama, Art and Music Studies (cod. 5821)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the laboratory the student: knows the main research methodologies in the respective field of study; acquires an in-depth knowledge of the structure and organization of an argumentative text; is able to collect and organize primary and secondary sources, and to write a bibliography; knows how to apply appropriate editorial criteria in the finalization of the text.

Course contents

The course focuses on the various stages in the preparation, elaboration and writing of a three-year degree thesis in the field of art history and consists of meetings with experts, both academic and non-academic, from the individual areas: medieval, modern and contemporary art history; history of art criticism; history of architecture. There will also be discussions with former students who will talk about their experiences. The detailed schedule of meetings will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Students with SLD or temporary or permanent disabilities. It is suggested that they get in touch as soon as possible with the relevant University office (https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/en) and with the lecturer in order to seek together the most effective strategies for following the lessons and/or preparing for the examination.


It is recommended to read one or more of the following texts:

  • Massimo Bustreo, Tesi di laurea step by step. La guida per progettare, scrivere e argomentare prove finali e scritti professionali senza stress, Hoepli, Milano 2015.
  • Monica Centanni, Alessandra Pedersoli, Forma è contenuto. Istruzioni per una tesi, una tesina, un paper, Engramma, Venezia 2019.
  • Umberto Eco, Come si fa una tesi di laurea, La nave di Teseo, Milano 2017.
  • Carmen Dell'Aversano, Alessandro Grilli, La scrittura argomentativa. Dal saggio breve alla tesi di dottorato, Le Monnier, Firenze 2005.
  • Vera Gheno, La tesi di laurea: Ricerca, scrittura e revisione per chiudere in bellezza, Zanichelli, Bologna 2019.

Further bibliographic suggestions, on the individual subject areas, will be provided at the individual meetings.

Teaching methods

Lectures and discussions

Assessment methods

At the end of the workshop, students should produce, in connection with their thesis project, either a reasoned abstract, or a detailed table of contents structured by chapters, sub-chapters and paragraphs, or a detailed and reasoned bibliography list.

Students with SLD or temporary or permanent disabilities. It is necessary to contact the relevant University office (https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/en) with ample time in advance: the office will propose some adjustments, which must in any case be submitted 15 days in advance to the lecturer, who will assess the appropriateness of these in relation to the teaching objectives.

Teaching tools

PowerPoint and online resources

Office hours

See the website of Pasquale Fameli