31025 - Sociology of Sports Communication

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Wellness and Sport Management (cod. 9214)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student: - knows the object and purpose of sports communication; - knows the main sociological theories and social research methods necessary to develop positive relationships with the mass media and new media; - has the basic information to create a house organ; - can master the main techniques of analysis of the sports television audience; - can produce press releases; - can promote the image of their company or sports team; - can relate to sponsors and advertisers.

Course contents

The course aims to promote knowledge of the communication processes that shape sport according to a multidimensional perspective, with particular reference to three areas: 1) the products of the sports cultural industry (analysis of technological changes in the forms of representation, narration and media interpretation of sport); 2) the main players in the sports communication industry; 3) the empirical study of the different areas in which the material and immaterial players of sport move to understand the contemporary 'sportscape'.

To achieve these objectives, the Course will be divided into three parts: institutional, seminar and laboratory.

In the institutional part, the Course will pay specific attention to the communication processes that take place in the world of sport and physical activities, in light of the close interrelation between sport, media and society. The cognitive question that will guide the analysis of the social processes in progress (through the use of methodological tools, such as databases and others) will be: "How are physical practices and the relationships between the public, sport, media and society changing?".

In the seminar part, thematic insights and in-depth analyses on the sociology of sport and communication will be developed.

In the laboratory part, during the lessons, methodological tools for sociological investigation in sport and communication will be analyzed and studied, with the possibility of carrying out a PROJECT WORK (NOT MANDATORY).

A proactive approach by students will be encouraged and the production of new knowledge aimed at learning the value and cultural frames of reference within which the world of sports communication moves.


To prepare for the final exam, the study of the volume is required:

Bifulco L., Formisano A., Panico G., Tirino M. (2023), Sport e Comunicazione nell’era digitale. Media, processi, attori. FrancoAngeli ed., Milano. [Sport and Communication in the Digital Era. Media, Processes, Actors. FrancoAngeli ed., Milan] (no chapt. 2, 5)

The contents of the aforementioned volume will be integrated with articles on current sports sociological issues, provided gradually by the teacher (see the platform https://virtuale.unibo.it/)

Teaching methods

The course includes lectures and case studies illustrated with the help of new communication technologies, films, presence of industry experts. Through the Virtual platform, students will be encouraged, through innovative teaching methods, to read and analyze essays, articles, and case studies, to activate discussion, analysis skills, and research sources for sociological analyses of contemporary sports phenomena.

Assessment methods

The student will acquire the 5 CFU required by passing a written test consisting of closed-ended questions aimed at evaluating the topics covered in the course (20 questions, evaluation in 30, 1.5 points for each correct answer). There is the possibility of a group work connected to the Laboratory part, whose evaluation (from 0 to 5 points), will be added to the grade obtained in the final test. This path is not mandatory, but at the student's choice.

Teaching tools

Video projections of the main contents of the lessons in the form of PowerPoint presentations; remote delivery of seminar meetings and related discussion groups, project work and processing via TEAMS.

Teaching and research materials are available on the internet.

Office hours

See the website of Giovanna Russo


Good health and well-being Quality education Gender equality

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.