88274 - Protection and Contamination of Groundwater Resources

Academic Year 2024/2025

Learning outcomes

TThe aim of this course is to impart knowledge about the importance and physical distribution of groundwater resources at the global scale with a special emphasis on the role of groundwater inside the hydrologic cycle, on how groundwater affects ecosystems and how groundwater is impacted by antropogenic drivers or climate change. In the Module 1 the discussion focuses on the knowledge of the functionality of groundwater flow systems, how they react to precipitation and temperature regime from the local to the regional scales. Methods for groundwater quantitative assessment and for evaluation of the interactions between groundwater, surface waters and ecosystems are presented and discussed. Ecosystemic services provided by groundwater are defined and analyzed. The interactions between groundwater and climate change are emphasized along with the resilience of groundwater to droughts. In the Module 2 the students gets the main concepts of contamination of groundwater by anthropic sources along with the knowledge about fate and transport of contaminants in the ground and waters. The students gets knowledge about the paradygm of sanitary risk assessment and eco-toxycological impacts deriving from contaminated sites. One credit of field activity will integrate the lessons with practical activity of hydrogeological monitoring in groundwater dependent ecosystems.

Course contents

Content of two distinct courses with the Module 1 in common

88274-Protection and Contamination of Groundwater Resources

MSc Science and Management of Nature

(international programme Global Change Ecology and Sustainable Development Goals)

Module 1 (3 CFU) – Groundwater and Climate Change (teacher: prof. Alessandro Gargini)

Modulo 2 (3 CFU) – The contamination of groundwater (teacher: prof. Alessandro Gargini)

99514-Groundwater Resources and Landslide Risk in a Changing Climate

MSc Science of Climate

Module 1 (3 CFU) – Groundwater and Climate Change (teacher: prof. Alessandro Gargini)

Modulo 2 (3 CFU) – Landslides and hydrogeologic risk (teacher: prof. Alessandro Simoni)

Content of Module 1 “Groundwater and Climate Change”

Shared among the two courses

1) Global hydrologic cycle: processes, fluxes and stocks. Interactions between atmosphere, surface water and groundwater. Global groundwater budget. Contribution of groundwater to global runoff.

2) Introduction to groundwater flow systems. Aquifers and aquitards.

3) Hydrogeological and ecological classification of springs. Pumping wells and spring uptake. Hydrogeological monitoring.

4) Groundwater dependent ecosystems. Base flow and minimum environmental flow. Ecological services provided by groundwater and springs.

5) The effects of climate change and droughts on groundwater flow systems.

6) The effects of global change and overdrafting of water resources: dewatering, salinization, subsidence.

7) Resilience of groundwater to climate change, integrated management of water resources, managed artificial recharge

Content of Module 2: Contamination of groundwater

For Global Change only

1) Natural or man-originated contaminants able to induce impairment of soil and groundwater quality. Inorganic and organic contaminants (heavy metals, hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, emerging organic contaminants).

2) The properties, mobility, toxicity and cancerogenicity of contaminants of soil and groundwater. Modalities of migration of contaminants in unsaturated zone and groundwater.

3) Sanitary and ecological risk. Risk assessment

4) Contaminated sites. Human health and ecological issues posed by contaminated sites. Monitoring natural attenuation. Phytoscreening

5) Protection of well-heads and springs from contamination.

Content of Module 2: Landslide and hydrogeological risk

For Science of Climate only

1) Insights into landslides, their classification and their driving mechanisms.

2) Triggering factors of landslides with emphasis on their mutual relationships.

3) Action of Climate Change on the frequency and magnitude of natural hazards based on available data and theoretical predictions.

4) Development of landslide processes and their propagation along with their potential impact on infrastructures and society.

5) Practical exercises about examples of specific hazardous events and the involved processes, enabling students to recognize and understand the potential danger of landslides and assess related risk.

6) Mitigation measures and the associated potential in risk reduction in relation to climate change.


Lessons of the teachers downloadable from the university web site https://iol.unibo.it/ .

The material will be available the day preceding the lesson.

The materials provided by the teachers, along with the notes of the lessons taken by the students, are considered adequate for the preparation of the exam

Following textbooks are recommended as integration tools for the preparation of the exam, particularly for not attending students

For Modules taught by Alessandro Gargini:

A.Freeze - J. Cherry (1979) - Groundwater. Prentice Hall

C.W. Fetter (2000, fourth edition) - Applied Hydrogeology. Waveland Press

For Module 2 taught by Alessandro Simoni of the course:

Water resources and hydrogeologic risk

Clague J.J. and Stead D. (eds.), 2012. Landslides: types, mechanisms and modelling. Cambridge University Press, 420 pp.

Lu N. and Godt J.W., 2012. Hillslope hydrology and stability. Cambridge University Press, 436 pp.

Teaching methods

Theoretycal lessons in classroom. Group exercises about case studies also by the use of personal PC of students

For the Module 2 of the course of Protection and Contamination of Groundwater Resources 1 CFU will be devoted to field activities with practical demonstration of hydrogeological monitoring and characterization of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems.

As concerns the teaching methods of the course  all students must attend Module 1, 2 [https://www.unibo.it/en/services-and-opportunities/health-and-assistance/health-and-safety/online-course-on-health-and-safety-in-study-and-internship-areas] online, while only students of Global Change Ecology programme must attend also Module 3 on health and safety (to be attended in class for the formation to safety measures for teaching activities on the field). Information for students about Module 3 attendance schedule is available on the website of the degree programme

Assessment methods

Oral exam based on theoretical questions and interpretation of real cases. The votation is expressed on 30/30 quote.

Teaching tools

Videoprojector, PC, blackboard. For students of Global Change demonstration of the use of instruments on the field.

For hydrogeological exercises software for automatic interpolation will be used

For Module 2 of Water Resources and Hydrogeologic risk course  slope stability software will be used

Office hours

See the website of Alessandro Gargini


Clean water and sanitation Sustainable cities Climate Action Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.