- Docente: Claudia Romagnoli
- Credits: 6
- SSD: GEO/02
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Claudia Romagnoli (Modulo 1) Fabiano Gamberi (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Geology for Sustainable Development (cod. 6050)
Learning outcomes
The course provides the basic knowledge on the main geological processes involved in the formation and evolution of continental margins from the coast to oceans. A focus is given on the geological setting of Italian Seas, with particular regard to their late-Quaternary evolution. Students will acquire competencies on the main techniques of surveying, sampling, mapping and monitoring of marine and coastal areas, also in the light of geological hazard assessment and of marine spatial planning issues.
Course contents
Introduction: development of Marine Geology and its role in supporting “Plate tectonics”.
Physiography of the seafloor: structure and evolution of continental margins and oceanic basins in relation with the geodynamic context.
Survey techniques in the marine environment: multibeam bathymetry, side scan sonar, seismic surveys. Sampling and "ground-truthing" approach.
Main processes in the marine environment: oceanic circulation, superficial and bottom currents, tides. Sea-level changes at different spatial-temporal scales and record in the marine realm.
Sedimentation from the coast to open ocean: pelagic sedimentation; gravity-driven and bottom currents. Gravitative instability; gas-charged sediments and evidences at the seabed. Interaction among processes and related sedimentary record.
The Italian Seas: main geologic and physiographic characteristics. Mapping approaches (bathy-morphological features, geohazard maps, georesources).
Learning materials (slides of lessons) are available to students on the "Virtuale" repository. Among reference texts are:
Seibold E. and Berger W.H. (2017) The Sea Floor. An Introduction to Marine Geology. Springer-Verlag.
Micallef A., Krastel S., Savini A. (2018). Submarine Geomorphology. Springer-Verlag.
Further integrating material will be provided for free consultation.
Teaching methods
The course is composed of 6 CFU: 5 CFU of frontal lessons in the classroom and 1 CFU for exercises/seminaries/visit to laboratories of ISMAR-CNR (Bologna).
Assessment methods
Final oral exam.
Teaching tools
Slides projected during the lessons and other integrating material will be available at the course repository web site "Virtuale".
Office hours
See the website of Claudia Romagnoli
See the website of Fabiano Gamberi
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.