- Docente: Germana Landi
- Credits: 8
- SSD: MAT/08
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Germana Landi (Modulo 1) Giancarlo Tamburello (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Geology for Sustainable Development (cod. 6050)
from Sep 30, 2024 to Nov 18, 2024
from Nov 19, 2024 to Jan 15, 2025
Learning outcomes
The course provides an introduction to basic techniques for the statistical analysis of geological data and an introduction to the use of software tools for statistical analysis most widespread in the geological field. At the end of the course the student knows the main techniques of descriptive statistics for univariate distributions, knows the basic elements of statistical inference, understands the basic methodologies for multivariate statistical analysis and for the interpretation of the results of the corresponding models. Moreover, the student is able to apply the learned theoretical techniques to geological data by using software dedicated to the statistical analysis of experimental data and the student knows how to comment and critically evaluate the results of this analysis.
Course contents
Course contents (divided by module):
Module 1:
- Introduction to data organization
- Univariate statistics: graphical and numerical description of the variables
- Parametric tests
- Bivariate statistics: correlation and regression
- Introduction to multivariate statistics
Module 2:
- Introduction to R programming and the RStudio integrated development environment
- Core programming principles (types of variables, for and while loops, if and else)
- Fundamentals of R (vectors, functions, packages in R)
- Matrices and matrix operations
- Data frames in R
- Plotting data in R and advanced visualization with GGPlot2
- Exploratory data analysis in R
- G. Ciotoli, M. G. Finoia. Dalla Statistica alla Geostatistica: introduzione all’analisi dei dati ambientali e territoriali. Arancne Editrice 2005
- R. Kabacoff. R in Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R. 3rd edition (May 3, 2022)
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures for the theory, and computer Laboratory for codes implementation and analysis of proposed examples.
In consideration of the type of activity and teaching methods adopted, the frequency of this training activity requires the prior participation of all students in Modules 1 and 2 of safety training in the places of study, in e-learning mode.
Assessment methods
The exam consists of an oral exam and the realization of a project.
The oral exam is structured to verify the knowledge and the degree of understanding of the theory developed in the course.
The project consists of the analysis of a data set provided by the teacher and its graphical representation in R. The project aims to evaluate the ability to use the software R for the analysis of geological data.
The project, which must be individual, must be presented one week before the oral exam is taken.
The final grade takes into account the results achieved in both tests.
Teaching tools
Slides and material for laboratory exercises provided by the teachers. The teaching material will be available on the University of Bologna e-learning platform (https://virtuale.unibo.it).
Office hours
See the website of Germana Landi
See the website of Giancarlo Tamburello