- Docente: Luis Alberto Barron Cedeno
- Credits: 8
- Language: English
- Moduli: Luis Alberto Barron Cedeno (Modulo 1) Maja Milicevic Petrovic (Modulo 2) Adriano Ferraresi (Modulo 3)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
- Campus: Forli
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Specialized translation (cod. 9174)
from Mar 05, 2025 to May 14, 2025
from Feb 18, 2025 to Mar 04, 2025
from Mar 11, 2025 to May 13, 2025
Learning outcomes
The student is able to autonomously identify a problem issue of professional import, and to plan and carry out a research project that contributes to solve it; s/he is able to report orally and in writing about project planning and execution, complying with the standards of the field in terms of communication of research.
Course contents
The course is connected to the compulsory company/institution internship and is intended to provide the students with the basic prerequisites for conducting research in a professional setting, as well as with guidance for the implementation of their own research projects, to be realised during the internship. Within the taught part of the course the students will learn about what it means to conduct research on language, and about how to use some of the computational tools that can help them in the process. Core issues in scientific research and computational thinking will be covered first, followed by those in industry-based research.
The specific topics will be the following:
0.Introduction to the course
1. Scientific thinking
- Science and scientific research
- Researching language
- Communicating research
2. Computational thinking
- Into computers and programming
- Regular expressions
- Programming in Python
- Jupyter notebooks
- Methods and classes
- Dealing with text
3. Industry thinking
- Invited talks by industry representatives
Lecture slides and other materials used during class will be made available.
Scientific thinking
Litosseliti, L. (Ed.) (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics. London: Continuum. or Litosseliti, L. (Ed.) (2018). Research Methods in Linguistics. 2nd edition. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Miličević Petrović, M., J. Gledić, M. Đukanović & J. Budimirović Milićević (2023). First steps into scientific research. Online course. Freely available (upon registration)
Phakiti, A., P. De Costa, L. Plonsky & S. Starfield (Eds) (2018). The Palgrave Handbook of Applied Linguistics Research Methodology. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Podesva, R. J. & D. Sharma (2013). Research Methods in Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stefanowitsch, A. (2020). Corpus linguistics: A guide to the methodology. Berlin: Language Science Press. Freely available
Zanettin, F. & C. Rundle (Eds) (2022). The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Methodology. London: Routledge.
Computational thinking
Silvio Peroni. Computational Thinking and Programming.
Industry thinking
European Language Industry Survey (2023).
Miličević Petrović, M., Bernardini, S., Ferraresi, A., Aragrande, G., and Barrón-Cedeño, A. (2021). Language data and project specialist: A new modular profile for graduates in language-related disciplines.
Teaching methods
A combination of lectures and interactive seminars for the taught part, individual work and consultations for the projects
As concerns the teaching methods of this course unit, all students are required to attend the online Modules 1 and 2 on Health and Safety.
Assessment methods
The course will be evaluated on the basis of homework and two projects:
- Homework (25%). During the semester, the students will perform programming and other exercises.
- Pilot project (25%). At the beginning, the student will be assigned a small project in which they will be asked to solve a practical problem during the course. The student will produce a final report.
- Final project (50%). The topic of the final project will be defined jointly by the student, the company in which they will carry out the internship and the academic tutor. The student will produce a written report and will give an oral presentation of the implemented research project.
Grading scale
- 30 - 30L Excellent. The student has acquired all targeted concepts, and has conducted a methodologically sound project that s/he clearly presented in the report and the oral presentation.
- 27 - 29 Above average. The student has a very good command of the targeted concepts, with some minor errors or inconsistencies in project implementation and/or presentation.
- 24 - 26 Generally sound. The student has a generally good command of the targeted concepts, but with larger gaps or inconsistencies in project implementation and/or presentation.
- 21 - 23 Adequate. The student has just an adequate command of the targeted concepts and displays significant shortcomings in project implementation and/or presentation.
- 18 - 20 Minimum. The student has only grasped the basic targeted concepts and was only partially successful in implementing a project.
- < 18 Fail. The student does not reach a minimum threshold of knowledge and was unsuccessful in implementing a project.
Teaching tools
The course materials will be made available on Virtuale. The students will also need to use Jupyter notebooks for Python.
Office hours
See the website of Luis Alberto Barron Cedeno
See the website of Maja Milicevic Petrovic
See the website of Adriano Ferraresi