72610 - Psychology of Ageing

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Docente: Rabih Chattat
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: M-PSI/08
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Applied Cognitive Psychology (cod. 5965)

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes will be:
Knowledge about ageing and trajectories of emotional, cognitive and social changes across life span;

Knowledge about Dementia, symptoms, diagnosis and Interventions

Knowledge about psychosocial interventions in elderly people and with older persons with emotional disorders and neurocognitive disorders
Acquired skills needed to assess, plan and undertake psychosocial interventions with individuals and groups in the area of care for elderly

Course contents

The course will take place during the first semester (october -Novemnbre 2024) , Bologna, Department of Psychology

1- demographic change e the challenge of non-comunicable disease (NCD). A new health definition

2- Interventions to promote healthy aging
3- Aging: life span perspective. Trajectories of change during life span; cognitive and emotional change and related theoretical models.

4- Frailty, vulnerability and dependency in elderly: assessment and interventions.

5- Cognitive impairment and dementia: classification and care models

6- Psychosocial care model for people with dementia : theoretical framework, approach and context

7- Emotional disorders in elderly: delirium, depression, anxiety and psychosis.

8- Clinical interview and muldimensional assesment
9- the familycaregiving :psychosocial diagnosis and interventions
10- institutional care and interventions. National and regional plans and care pathways.

11-Palliative care, advance care planning and end of life


Wang S., Nussbaum A.M. (2017).DSM-5. Pocket guide for elder mental health. American Psychiatric Association.

Non so cosa avrei fatto oggi senza di te. Manuale per i familiari delle persone con demenza. Regione Emilia-Romagna. www.http://sociale.regione.emilia-romagna.it/documentazione/pubblicazioni/prodotti-editoriali [http://www.http:/sociale.regione.emilia-romagna.it/documentazione/pubblicazioni/prodotti-editoriali] .

Dementia: prevention, intervention and care Lancet Neurology 2020

Updated Reviews and links to national and regional documentation regarding dementia and care pathways will be indicated.

Teaching methods

The classroom lecture will provide basic knowledge on the different topics and methods for interventions

Movies will be used to support knowledge transfer into practice
Case discussions will be also used to discuss clinical practice
Class exercise on planning interventions will be also suggested.

Attendance at lessons is a fundamental part of the acquisition of clinical competences and for evaluation purposes.

Assessment methods

Learning assessment for this course is aimed to accertain the fulfulling of the following objectives:

1- acquired knowledge about theroeticals frameworks on the psychology of aging described during the classroom lectures

2- acquired knowledge on psychosocial interventions regarding the main mental disorders in elderly populations

3- acquired knowledge about carers issues working with elderly peoples with disabilities.

4-For the assessment of knowledge a written test will be used and the grade score will be up to 30pts and Laude. the exam consit in a set of 31 quiz questions with the aim to explore the overall knowledge about the programme

the Multiple-choice are related to the contents of the two modules.

For each each correct responses one point is available. Wrong or absent answers will not be scored.

Attendence to lectures will be considered for final grading

Teaching tools

Slide projector
role playing

Office hours

See the website of Rabih Chattat


Good health and well-being Quality education Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.