- Docente: Marco Bovo
- Credits: 5
- SSD: AGR/10
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Sciences and Technologies for Green and Landscape (cod. 5830)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student acquires the knowledge on the theme of ecological and green infrastructures and in general on the improvement of territory quality, with particular reference to topic of treatment and disposal of waste water, wetland and natural swimming pools. In addition, the student will be able to identify the most suitable solutions depending on the territorial and environmental context and positive effects of the adoption of nature-based solutions
Course contents
The course includes theoretical lessons, practice exercise activities also using computer tools as CAD software, seminars. The lessons will focus on topics related to the study and analysis of green infrastructures directly connected to the buildings. Specifically, the frontal lessons will focus on the following topics:
- green walls. Study and analysis of solutions aimed at growing of vegetation in building and constructions façades in different contexts.
- green roofs. Study and analysis of the roof slab characteristics, classification of green roofs, elements and layers composing the roof garden structure, materials and component.
- green structures for thermal conditioning and energy saving. Studies and analysis of green facades, screen and shading effects, building heating and thermal insulation requirements, building cooling e thermal inertia requirements, basic concepts of heat islands, integrated design of green roof with solar and photovoltaic panels.
- Green systems for the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater and meteoric waters.
- Green systems in infrastructure and mobility, nature-based solutions.
- Wetland, natural swimming pool and aquatic gardens: types and examples of design.
- Infrastructure and techniques for soil support.
The activities in the computer laboratory involve the graphical representation of a concept design of a topic proposed by the teacher. In particular, the student will represent general layouts, functional schemes, construction details and architectural-structural elements. The final graphic documents and design will be discussed and reviewed in the class and then evaluated during the final exam.
Expected results: at the end of the course the student knows the main features of vegetation growth in the building sector, is able to identify the main effects of the green structures on building thermal conditioning and, therefore, on the energy saving. The student knows the main features of wetland, natural swimming pools and system for treatment of wastewater. Further, the student knows and manage the phases from the design to the realization of green paths.
Lecture notes prepared by teacher in relation to all teaching units (the material is made available on Virtuale progressively during the course, functionally for the lectures). Lecture notes given by the professor represent the necessary base for preparing the exam if integrated by notes taken by students during the lessons.
For further in-depth study of specific subjects and in particular in case the student cannot attend the lessons or can attend only part of them, it is warmly recommended to refer to specific chapters of the following books (please contact the teacher in advance):
- Floriana Romagnolli (2013) Fitodepurazione Editore Flaccovio. Palermo.
- Mauro Lajo Paul Luther (2012) Biopiscine progettazione ed esecuzione. Gruppo editoriale Esselibri. Napoli.
- ISPRA (2012) Verde pensile: prestazioni di sistema e valore ecologico. Manuale 78.3/ 2012 (disponibile su internet).
- R. Maggio, N. Mordà (2016) Progetto delle piste ciclabili. Maggioli Editore.
- UNI 11235:2007 “Istruzioni per la progettazione, l' esecuzione, il controllo e la manutenzione di coperture a verde”
- Paolo Abram «Giardini pensili. Coperture a verde e gestione delle acque meteoriche» 2004 – Gruppo editoriale Esselibri
- Antonella Bellomo «Pareti verdi. Nuove tecniche» Sistemi Editoriali SE, Gruppo editoriale Esselibri
- Oscar Eugenio Bellini, Laura Daglio «Verde verticale, aspetti figurativi, ragioni funzionali e soluzioni tecniche nella realizzazione di living walls e green façades» Maggioli Editore
- Annibale Sicurella «Progettare il verde. Tecnihee soluzioni» Sistemi Editoriali SE, Gruppo editoriale Esselibri--
- «Verde: naturalizzare in verticale» a cura di Valerio Tatano, Maggioli Editore
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures, coupled with CAD practical activities, seminars and study visits. The theoretical units, consisting of lectures, will be preparatory to the practical activities. The latter aim at the preparation of a final document that will be individually realized under the teacher supervision.
Assessment methods
The knowledge and skills of this course are assessed in the following way. During the final exam, the knowledge and skills acquired on the course are assessed.
The learning evaluation of the contents involves an oral exam in which the teacher will evaluate:
- the final documents;
- their defense;
- knowledge and preparation achieved on the theoretical part through specific questions.
The overall assessment is made by the Commission taking into account:
- for the theoretical part: the knowledge and skill level achieved by the student on the contents of all the teaching units;
- for the graphic documents: the contents, clarity, consistency, and graphical quality.
Marks are expressed as a score out of 30.
To pass the exam the student has to show to have acquired sufficient knowledge on the main contents of the all the teaching units. To achieve the honors, an autonomous and competent capability to deal with in-depth analysis on the discussed subjects is required.
Examination dates, times and locations are published on the degree course website. Subscription to exams through the AlmaEsami web application.
Teaching tools
Overhead projector and PC.
Office hours
See the website of Marco Bovo
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.