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Associate Professor of Rural Buildings at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Bologna. He has graduated with honours in Civil Engineering and he holds a PhD in Structural Engineering and Hydraulics. His main research activities deal with: design and calibration of environmental monitoring systems for greenhouse gas emission measurement, modelling and analysis of environmental parameters in agricultural, livestock and agro-industrial buildings, thermo-acoustic optimization of building envelopes, LCA and CFD simulations, structural design of civil and rural buildings, PLF systems, energy production by renewable sources. He is PI of the ongoing PRIN 2022 research project “One SUStainability vision in Dairy farms: a big Data approach for a perspective Decision-making (SUS3D)”. He is member of the Italian Association of Agricultural Engineering (AIIA), European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng), and International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR).
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