71033 - Cardiovascular Risk Evaluation

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

    Also valid for Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

At the end of thecourse the student knows how to evaluate the global cardiovascular risks, in other words the estimation of probability to have a cardiovascular events on the basis of the cardiovascular risk factorspresent in each patients.

Course contents

Date of the lessons: under definition

The Course contents:

- gGobal cardiovascular risk evaluation in the clinical practice

- Guidelines for cardiovascular diseases prevention and therapy

For any necessity/questions, to comply with the italian rule for the privacy, the student must use for the e-mail comunication only the institutional mailbox (name.surname@studio.unibo.it or other university mailbox).


"2016 CVD prevention in clinical practice (European Guidelines on)" available on the web site of the European Society of Cardiolgy (www.esccardio.org).

Oral lectures with slides. The educational material presented in the lectures will be available for the student in the electronic format via Internt. To view and download the educational material connect to: http://campus.unibo.it  and login in using personal username and password, reserved to the student registered at the University of Bologna, School of Medicine.

Teaching methods

Oral lessons.

Assessment methods

It is necessary to attend to the lessons.

Teaching tools

Oral lectures with slides.

The educational material presented in the lectures will be available for the student in the electronic format via Internt. To view and download the educational material connect to and login in using personal username and password, reserved to the student registered at the University of Bologna, School of Medicine.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Claudio Borghi


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.