- Docente: Patrizia Tassinari
- Credits: 6
- SSD: AGR/10
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Patrizia Tassinari (Modulo Mod 1) Alberto Barbaresi (Modulo Mod 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Marketing and Economics of the Agro-Industrial System (cod. 5833)
from Sep 17, 2024 to Nov 08, 2024
from Nov 08, 2024 to Dec 13, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student acquires the knowledge of the basic criteria for the design of rural buildings, with particular reference to the functional requirements and building technologies, as well as information relating to the main planning tools for the design of interventions in rural areas. The student is able to identify the relationships between spatial planning and design of construction actions, to define the design process of a rural building, considering all the elements involved in it, until the completion of the preliminary project.
Course contents
Module 1 - Teaching Unit 1 – (20 hours - Patrizia Tassinari): Spatial Planning
This Unit includes theoretical lectures and analyses related to the specific themes of spatial planning on the local scale.
· From the first theories and conceptions of the landscape to the European Landscape Convention, and its transposition into national legislation;
· The fundamental laws of the discipline of spatial and urban planning and the tools that regulate the transformation of rural areas: the legislative experience of the Emilia-Romagna Region, at different scales of land government;
Expected results: at the end of the teaching unit the student knows the institutional tools in force, at the national, regional, provincial and local level, and is able to recognize the relationships between the main territory and landscape and the current destinations of the regional and urban planning.
Module 1 - Teaching Unit 2 – (10 hours - Patrizia Tassinari): Reading and interpretation of the planning tools
The Teaching Unit includes theoretical lessons to prepare for laboratory activities aimed at a detailed study of the spatial planning tools in force at the regional scale. The activities will focus on the planning tools relevant to the study area, with reference to the developments planned by the regional and urban planning, in relation to the peculiar agricultural and food-processing, with specific reference to the wine sector.
The laboratory activity focuses on the reading and research of restrictions and of opportunities of the planned scenarios (local and over-local scale), and their critical analysis, in a geographical area identified and assigned by the teacher.
Students, grouped in teams will be driven to the research and identification of indications inferred by the reading of the planning tools and the related laws, and to their critical analysis and graphic illustration. The reading and analysis of the cartography must be carried out by means of paper and digital materials.
The final graphic document will be subject for discussion and review in the class with the teacher and evaluated during the final exam. Specifically, each group must present the progress of their document, in order to ease the experience and information exchange among teams and to allow a critical discussion and to accept teacher’s indications and suggestions. At the exam, each group of students will present the document final version that will be considered as element for the final assessment.
Expected results: at the end of the teaching unit the student is able to read and understand the spatial planning tools both at the sector level and at local and over-local scale.
Module 2 - Teaching Unit 3 (18 hours - Alberto Barbaresi): Buildings for wine process
The Teaching Unit includes theoretical lessons to prepare the students to the laboratory activities aimed at the drafting of the project for the final exam.
· historical notes on wineries and illustration of significative examples;
· General functional requirements and performance requirements;
· Stages of the production process, fundamentals on the equipment, analysis of the flows of materials, mobile equipment, staff, and visitors;
· Size and environmental requirements of the premises and open spaces;
· Laboratory activities on wine process and storage simple building design.
Expected results: The student knows the main functional characteristics of a winery, with hints of the articulation of its interior spaces in relation to the production process needs. Moreover, the student is able to design and draw the functional layout of a winery.
Module 2 - Teaching Unit 4 – (12 hours - Alberto Barbaresi): Agricultural building design criteria
The Teaching Unit includes theoretical lessons (10 hours) and laboratory activities (2 hours) aimed at the technical drawing comprehension.
· basic elements of technical drawing, drawing rules and norms in different application fields;
· practical activities on the critical comprehension and evaluation of rural building blueprints;
· the building structure, the systems that compose it, and their mutual relations.
· the structural system and the building envelope;
· the building materials: bricks, wood, reinforced concrete, steel for metal carpentry;
·building design: functional, structural and architectural needs, elements of building sizing and bill of quantities;
· law requirements in the construction field: types of interventions and building licenses;
Expected results: The student knows the actions on the building structure, the main technical and construction specifications of the major building systems, the main building materials and methods of use in the various construction technologies. Moreover, the student knows norms and regulation fundamental for the civil technical drawing; reads, understands and evaluates rural building blueprints.
Lecture notes related to the all teaching units will be prepared by the teachers (the notes will be available on Virtuale progressively during the course, functionally for the lesson development). Lectures notes prepared by the teachers are a mandatory base for the exam preparation if combined with lesson notes.
For further details, please refer to the following books:
R. Chiumenti “Costruzioni rurali”, Edagricole, 2004
C. R. Fantone, "Introduzione alla tecnologia delle costruzioni", Alinea, 1998
L. Caleca “Architettura tecnica”, Flaccovio Editore, 2005
F. Oliva, P. Galuzzi, P. Vitillo, ‘Progettazione urbanistica’, Maggioli, 2002
Emilio Sereni, ‘Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano’, Laterza, ed. originale 1961
M. Casamonti, V. Pavan, Cantine architetture. 1990-2005, Federico Motta Editore, 2004
F. Chiorino, A. Bucci, C. Tosco, Cantine secolo 21: architetture e paesaggi del vino, Electa Editore, 2011
- http://territorio.regione.emilia-romagna.it/codice-territorio/pianif-territoriale/legge-regionale-20-2000
- http://territorio.regione.emilia-romagna.it/codice-territorio/pianif-territoriale/legge-regionale-21-dicembre-2017-n-24/slide-illustrative-della-nuova-legge-urbanistica-regionale-lr-21-dicembre-2017-n-24
- http://www.provincia.ra.it/Argomenti/Territorio/PTCP-Piano-Territoriale-di-Coordinamento-Provinciale/Elaborati-grafici
- http://www.comune.faenza.ra.it/Guida-ai-servizi/Settore-Territorio/Il-Piano-Strutturale-Comunale-Associato-PSCA
- http://www.comune.faenza.ra.it/Guida-ai-servizi/Settore-Territorio/Il-Piano-Strutturale-Comunale-Associato-PSCA/Gli-atti-e-gli-elaborati-Area-download/PSC_Progetto-art.28-L.R.-20-2000/Progetto_Aspetti-Strutturanti
- http://www.comune.faenza.ra.it/Guida-ai-servizi/Settore-Territorio/Il-Piano-Strutturale-Comunale-Associato-PSCA/Gli-atti-e-gli-elaborati-Area-download/Quadro-Conoscitivo-art.4-L.R.-20-2000/A-Sistema-economico-e-sociale
- http://www.comune.faenza.ra.it/Guida-ai-servizi/Settore-Territorio/Il-Piano-Strutturale-Comunale-Associato-PSCA/Gli-atti-e-gli-elaborati-Area-download/PSC_Progetto-art.28-L.R.-20-2000/Tutele_Aspetti-Condizionanti
Teaching methods
The course unit consists of four teaching units, including lectures accompanied by practical activities, seminars and study visits.
Referring to the Module 1, the Teaching Units 1 and 2 will be developed in an integrated way. The theoretical unit (Teaching Unit 1), consisting of lectures and aided by illustrative case studies, will be preparatory to the practical unit (Teaching Unit 2). The final graphic document, related to the interpretation of planning tools, will include summary graphical draws about planning indications currently valid on the study area, realized by small student teams under the teachers’ supervision.
Referring to the Module 2, the Teaching Units 3 and 4 will be developed in an integrated way and will be preparatory to the editing of a food processing building (winery) project. The project will be set up during the class practical activities. The project will include:
- a preliminary report to highlight the design choices referring to regulations and the building sizing referring to the production characteristics;
- a layout scheme to show the functional area locations and work flows.
Assessment methods
This course unit is part of the “Animal Husbandry and Farm Buildings” integrated course, together with the “Livestock Breeding” course unit. Thus, the assessment of the integrated course takes into account jointly the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student in relation to the contents of both course units. The knowledge and skills provided by this course unit are evaluated as follows. In the final assessment knowledge and skills acquired by the student in relation to each theoretical/practical unit are evaluated.
The evaluation of the Module 1 is assessed by means of an oral interview aimed at evaluating the knowledge and the competence learned in both the Teaching Units. The interview includes the presentation and discussion of the documents realized by the team during the laboratory activities. Regularly, the document is defended collectively by the teams, and each member must participate to the presentation and discussion. The evaluation will consider: the documents realized by the group, the quality of document presentation and discussion of each team member, the skill to answer to topics not-included in the presentation since treated by other team members, the skill to answer questions on contents of Module 1.
The assessment of the knowledge of contents of Module 1 represents the 50% of the final evaluation of the course.
The evaluation of the Module 2 contents considers the assessment of the project created under the teachers’ supervision during the Teaching Unit 3, and of its discussion. The assessment will also consider the evaluation of the knowledge achieved on the theoretical part of the Teaching Unit 4, by means of specific questions singularly posed to each student.
The assessment of the knowledge of contents of Module 2 represents the 50% of the final evaluation of the course.
The overall assessment is made by the Commission considering:
- for the theoretical part, the knowledge and skill level achieved by the student on the contents of all the teaching units;
- for the graphic documents, the contents, the clarity, the consistency and graphical quality.
Marks are expressed as a score out of 30. To pass the exam the student has to show to have acquired sufficient knowledge on the main contents of the all the teaching units. To achieve the honors, an autonomous and competent capability to deal with in-depth analysis on the discussed subjects is required.
The participation to the class is not mandatory to pass the exam, students unable to attend the class must contact the teachers to plan an alternative activity replacing the laboratory.
Examination dates, times and locations are published on the degree course website. Subscription to exams through the AlmaEsami web application.
Teaching tools
Overhead projector and PC.
Office hours
See the website of Patrizia Tassinari
See the website of Alberto Barbaresi