96404 - Phenomenology of Contemporary Art. Lab (1) (M-Z)

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Drama, Art and Music Studies (cod. 5821)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the laboratory the student: knows how to analyze and deal with different applications of the languages of contemporary art, in its specific field and interdisciplinary relations; knows how to recognize the role played by visual studies in the overall development of artistic research and their contribution to the processes of the cultural industry.

Course contents

The workshop explores the spillover of the visual arts into other adjacent fields, from music to dance, from film to fashion. Artistic research aimed at breaking down the separations between the arts will be addressed in order to understand the transformations implemented on the media employed. Particular attention will also be given to the processes of hybridization and contamination. The path of analysis starts from the avant-garde movements of the early twentieth century and arrives at the most recent outcomes, with numerous examples aimed at illustrating the variety of solutions adopted.

Students with SLD or temporary or permanent disabilities. It is suggested that they get in touch as soon as possible with the relevant University office (https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/en) and with the lecturer in order to seek together the most effective strategies for following the lessons and/or preparing for the examination.


  • Germano Celant, Artmix. Flussi tra arte, architettura, cinema, design, moda, musica e televisione, Feltrinelli, Milano 2008 (and subsequent editions).

Other in-depth readings will be indicated during class.

The bibliography is valid for both attending and nonattending students.

Teaching methods

Lectures with multimedia support: slides, pictures, audiovisual materials

Assessment methods

The student is expected to produce a visual essay, i.e., a PowerPoint presentation of 8-10 slides illustrating a concept or theme identified through the cues received during the workshop.

The images, chosen by the student, can be taken from various sources as long as they are in good resolution and can also be accompanied by text to help illustrate the concept or theme more clearly. It is also essential to assign a title to the visual essay that encapsulates the theme of the presentation in a few words.

The file, named SURNAME_NAME, must be uploaded in time to be evaluated on the exam via the link that will be provided by the lecturer during class.

The clarity, relevance and coherence of the presentation will be functional assessment elements for increasing the final grade from 0 to 3 points.

Students with SLD or temporary or permanent disabilities. It is necessary to contact the relevant University office (https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/en) with ample time in advance: the office will propose some adjustments, which must in any case be submitted 15 days in advance to the lecturer, who will assess the appropriateness of these in relation to the teaching objectives.

Teaching tools

PowerPoint, PDF, audiovisual materials

Office hours

See the website of Pasquale Fameli