95842 - Structural Concept Design

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Moduli: Nicholas Fantuzzi (Modulo 1) Said Quqa (Modulo 3) Said Quqa (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Architecture and Creative Practices for the City and Landscape (cod. 5809)

Learning outcomes

Once completed the course, the student owns an adequate knowledge of the theories and methods of structural design and he/she knows how to effectively integrate them in the definition of the project.

Course contents

The "Structural Concept Design" module focuses on the essential aspect of conceiving robust and efficient structural systems for urban infrastructures. Students engage in analyzing and designing structural elements that can withstand static forces while ensuring safety and functionality in the urban context. This module serves as a crucial foundation for constructing durable and resilient urban landscapes. The contents of the course are listed below.

Structural Design Principles for Architecture

  • Loads on Structures
  • Forces and Vector Analysis
  • Equilibrium
  • Catenary cables and arches
  • Trusses
  • Material properties
  • Cross-sectional properties
  • Shear and bending stress in simple beams
  • Deflection in simple beams
  • Buckling in columns


  • Instructors’ notes (available on the web site https://online.unibo.it [https://online.unibo.it/] ).
  • Basic Concepts of Structural Design for Architecture Students, A. Khodadadi, Portland State University Library, 2021.

Teaching methods

The module is organized in a series of theoretical lectures and laboratory sessions with applications and exercises.

The detailed program, deadlines, and methods of presentation of the exercises will be communicated at the opening of the laboratory. The lectures will be accompanied by periodic reviews of the work of students and some collective seminars on the progress of the work.

In the laboratory session simple structural designs will be required to the students to be integrated within the projects of the other modules, ensuring a comprehensive and interdisciplinary learning approach. The instructors will supervise students during their laboratory activities.

Assessment methods

For accessing the final exam the students are requested to complete the structural design project which must be integrated with the other modules.

The final assessment of the module requires the solution of exercises similar to the ones shown in class during the laboratory sessions.

Teaching tools

The teaching tools are overhead projector, projector and PC.

iPad will be used as whiteboard support tool for extra material details given to students at the end of each class.

The course includes some laboratory sessions in which examples and problems are solved and analyzed.

Office hours

See the website of Nicholas Fantuzzi

See the website of Said Quqa

See the website of Said Quqa


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.