- Docente: Vincenzo Romei
- Credits: 6
- SSD: M-PSI/02
- Language: English
- Moduli: Vincenzo Romei (Modulo 1) Francesca Starita (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Cesena
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Biomedical Engineering (cod. 9266)
from Feb 18, 2025 to Mar 27, 2025
from Apr 01, 2025 to May 29, 2025
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student knows state-of-art human and animal research that uses neuroscience techniques to understand the neural and functional substrate of human mind and behavior, including perception, attention, decision-making and cognitive control. The student is able to critically read experimental and theoretical studies of cognitive and affective neuroscience, to evaluate their methods and results, explain their significance and relevance to the field of biomedical engineering.
Course contents
At the end of the course the student is be able to:
- get in-depth understanding of the neural substrates and functional mechanisms of mental processes;
- get knowledge of the-state-of-the-art methodologies and novel approaches of current research in Cognitive Neuroscience;
- critically review and discuss the theoretical and empirical contributions of the current literature, understand and analyse the methods employed, interpret their results and critically assess their conclusions;
- exercise the ability to engage in creative thinking leading to formulations of new hypotheses and planning of their empirical testing.
The course Cognition & Neuroscience is divided into two teaching modules.
Module 1 (3 CFU):
- An introduction to past and current paradigms in theoretical and empirical research in Cognitive Neuroscience;
- Combining multiple methods to address outstanding questions in Cognitive Neuroscience
- Perception, Attention and Cognition
- A functional role for brain oscillations in human cognition
- Conscious processes of the human brain
Module 2 (3 CFU):
- Reinforcement learning and decision making: Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning
- Pavlovian threat conditioning: psychophysiological bases
- Pavlovian threat conditioning: neural bases
- Contingency and contiguity learning: the role of surprise and prediction errors
- Reward prediction errors in the brain: the role of dopamine neurons
Scientific articles and lecture material will be available on "Virtuale" and will represent the core material needed for passing the exam.
Teaching methods
Lectures on the different topics of the modules will be approached in an interactive way, through the discussion of neuroscientific articles, organization of small groups led by the teacher and aimed at in depth discussion and presentations to the classroom. The student will therefore be required to participate actively during the lectures, ask questions about the topics discussed, stimulate the debate and critically discuss the scientific articles assigned during the course.
Assessment methods
Consists of a written exam including 4 open questions for which a total time of 60 minutes (15 minutes per question) is allowed. The exam is aimed at verifying the acquired knowledge of the core arguments discussed during the course. Answers should be provided in Italian or English.
2 open questions on the topics covered in Module 1 and 2 open questions on the topics covered in Module 2.
Up to 7,5 points are assigned for each question. The final score (out of thirty) is given by the sum of the points obtained to each single question.
The following criteria will be applied for the evaluation of each answer.
An answer which
- demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of tested topic (up to 4 points);
- reveals critical analysis and ability to integrate different aspects of the literature (up to 2 points);
- is well-written, and logically articulated (up to 1,5).
During the exam, the students are not allowed to use any lecture material nor books, scientific articles, personal notes, or computer media. The student must enroll in the exam using the Almaesami application, strictly by the deadline. Those who fail to enroll for technical issues by the due date are required to report the problem to the “segreteria didattica” (and in any case before the deadline) and send an email to prof. Romei who will ultimately decide whether to admit the student to take the exam.
Teaching tools
PowerPoint slides, video clips, scientific articles
Office hours
See the website of Vincenzo Romei
See the website of Francesca Starita
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.