- Docente: Jacopo Gaspari
- Credits: 8
- SSD: ICAR/12
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Cesena
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 9265)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, general information and characters of the most used building materials and components (both natural and artificial ones) as well as of construction systems will be gained by the student. the student will be able to criticaly compare the main features, performances and construction process of the principal building materials and components in relation with the evolution of building tecniques. He will be able to evaluate the choice of materials and components in relation with their properties, performances and functions and to manage the elements of construction according to their functional layout.
Course contents
According to the UNI 8290 classification (and UNI 005 appendix) of the technological system, the student will learn to identify the differnet parts composing the building and the relative interactions, aiming at a systemic analysis of the principal requirements to be satisfied.
During the course the main "typologies" of materials, components and systems will be deepen outlining the principal features and performence as well as the possible application according to requirements.
The main issues of the course will be:
- terminology and definition concerning building process, technology of architecture, innovation, sustainable design
- concepts concerning: technological units, construction element, layer; functional classification models, technological units an classes analysis
- concepts concerning: needs, requirements and performances; need-performance modelling; performenace design
- principal features of technical elements (foundation, structures, building envelope, partition)
- principal junction details (walls/ground; structure/building envelope; walls/roof; horizontal/vertical partition)
- building process of the principal building materials: natural stone, concrete, wood, brick, steel, metals, glass, plastics
- Bertolini L, Carsana M.; Materiali da costruzione; CittàStudi edizioni, Novara, 2014.
- Boeri A, Longo D., Piraccini S.; Il progetto dell'involucro in legno; Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, 2012.
- Campioli A.,Lavagna M.; Tecniche e architettura; CittàStudi edizioni, Novara, 2013.
- Gaspari J.; L’involucro edilizio stratificato. Soluzioni per l’efficienza energetica in funzione dell’aggiornamento normativo.; Edicom Edizioni, Monfalcone, 2018.
- Allen, Edward; I fondamenti del costruire. I materiali, le tecniche, i metodi ; McGraw-Hill Companies, Milano, 1997 (Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods; John Wiley&Sons, USA, 1990, 2nd ed)
- Reid, Esmond ; Capire gli edifici. Un approccio multidisciplinare; Zanichelli Ed., Bologna 1990 (Understanding Buildings. A multidisciplinary approach; London, 1984)
- Sinopoli, Nicola; Tatano, Valeria (Edd.); Sulle tracce dell'innovazione. Tra tecniche e architettura; F.Angeli, Milano, 2002
- De Botton, Alain; Architettura e felicità; Guanda, Milano, 2006 (The Architecture of Happiness, London, 2006)
- Koenig, G.K.; Furiozzi, B.; Fanelli, G.; Bugatti, B.; Brunetti, F; Tecnologia delle costruzioni; Le Monnier, Firenze 2004 (3 voll.)
- Torricelli, M.C.; Del Nord, R.; Felli, P.; Materiali e tecnologie dell'architettura; Laterza, Roma. 2001 (3° ed. 2003)Teaching methods
The course foresees lectures, seminars and tests in order to evaluate the progress of the learning process. A detailed programme of lectures and seminars will be given at the biginning of the course. Tests will be specifically described during the course and will be scheduled according to the learning process.
Assessment methods
The assessment of knowledge is based on tests. The final test will be a discussion (individual) about the principal issues fo the course and drawings content. Final evaluation (over 30) will consider the results of the tests (0-10 points), the level of knowledge (0-7 points), the level of comprehension (0-7 points), the use of appropriate terminology to communicate (0-6 points).
Teaching tools
Lectures and seminars will be supported by pdf presentations. Further informations and/or bibliography will be provided during the course.
Office hours
See the website of Jacopo Gaspari
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.