81867 - Models of Educational Design and Teaching Methodology

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Docente: Luca Ferrari
  • Credits: 4
  • SSD: M-PED/03
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary Teacher Education (cod. 5711)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student - understands and knows how to analyze the different aspects of the concept of curriculum, also in relation to different theoretical approaches of reference; - identifies the different levels of school planning (national curriculum, educational planning and POF, educational planning) within a school context and knows how to analyze their specificities; - knows how to critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a school's Educational Offer Plan; - knows the different strategies of educational planning in kindergarten and elementary school and knows how to relate them to pedagogical approaches of individualization and / or personalization; - knows the differences between educational units and educational project and knows how to outline, in their different phases, the planning and documentation; - knows how to analyze, through appropriate methods and procedures of evaluation and self-evaluation, the processes and results of an educational and didactic planning.

Course contents

The teaching of "School planning and evaluation" is divided into two modules that are structurally integrated with each other: "Models of educational planning" and "Theories and procedures of school evaluation".

Due to a didactic choice of the two teachers, the two modules will deal - in a joint way - with the topics of planning and evaluation of learning, postponing the topics of Research Methodology and Evaluation Research to the fourth year, when evaluation will be explored especially from the point of view of the evaluation of the quality of systems and schools.

In particular:

- in the module held by Prof. Ferrari, the current problematic framework of the principles and strategies of educational and didactic planning/programming will be presented as it has come to be defined in parallel with the evolution of learning theories and tools of didactic mediation: in this context, the characteristics of the most significant models of educational and didactic planning will be analyzed.

In this context, the characteristics of the most significant educational and didactic planning models will be analyzed. In addition, the themes of educational and didactic planning will be addressed within the framework of Italian legislation on curriculum and planning and, in particular, within the framework of the autonomy of institutions;

- In the module by Prof. Ciani, the theoretical framework of studies on school evaluation will be outlined, particularly with regard to the evaluation of learning and student competencies. The summative and diagnostic-formative functions of school evaluation will be explored, focusing specifically on the contexts of preschool and elementary school. Then, the themes inherent to the evaluation tools will be dealt with, in particular as regards the observation procedures and the different types of tests that can be used in school.

In particular, in the two modules, students will be guided to analyze:

- The concepts of planning and educational and didactic programming

- The theoretical and legislative debate on issues of planning and evaluation

- Educational planning (and the PTOF) in the framework of school autonomy

- The most significant operational models of educational planning

- the general and specific characteristics of learning environments

- the characteristics of inclusive teaching, attentive to individual differences

- the main strategies for individualization and personalization of teaching

- the diagnostic, formative and summative functions of school assessment

- the procedures for a correct process of control of students' skills

- the use of systematic observation procedures to evaluate students' skills

- the different types of tests used to verify students' competences.

The laboratory, connected to the two modules of the course, will be 40 hours in total (in presence) and will aim to propose to students problems related to concrete situations (simulations in the classroom and / or comparison with experiences) giving them the opportunity to analyze and apply the knowledge learned and to reflect critically on the issues of planning and school evaluation.

Each student must attend a total of 5 CFU (40 hours) of laboratory activities, specifically oriented to build skills in school design and evaluation.

The lab prepares strategic skills to address internships and requires a significant commitment from students.

Registration for the Lab is possible through AlmaEsami; calendars are posted in "Class Schedule".


For the entire exam (including both modules) the student must certify knowledge and understanding of the following texts and materials (also highlighting skills of analysis and argumentation):

- A. Ciani, L. Ferrari, I. Vannini, Progettare e valutare per la qualità e l'equità nella didattica. Aspetti teorici e indicazioni metodologiche, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2020.

- I. Vannini (a cura di). Una valutazione che analizza e ricostruisce. In dialogo con Mario Gattullo: rileggere oggi DIDATTICA E DOCIMOLOGIA, Roma, Armando Editore, 2022 (only second part).

- Book chapter, available on the Unibo Virtual platform, about the "systematic observation". 

It is always to be considered as fundamental the knowledge of the National Indications for the Curriculum (NIC and New Scenarios 2018) and "Guidelines for the assessment in the primary school" (2020).

STUDENTS WHO PREPARE ONLY ONE OF THE MODULES (i.e. students who have obtained credits from previous careers or transfers). 

The texts, for those who must take only one module, are as follows:

A) for the module "Models of educational planning" (Prof. Ferrari):

- A. Ciani, L. Ferrari, I. Vannini, Progettare e valutare per la qualità e l'equità nella didattica. Aspetti teorici e indicazioni metodologiche, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2020 (NO CHAPTER 6).

B) For the module "Theories and Procedures of Assessment of Learning" (Prof. Ciani):

- I. Vannini (a cura di). Una valutazione che analizza e ricostruisce. In dialogo con Mario Gattullo: rileggere oggi DIDATTICA E DOCIMOLOGIA, Roma, Armando Editore, 2022 (only second part).

- CHAPTER 6 (and paragraphs on assessment in CHAPTER 5) of the book: Ciani, L. Ferrari, I. Vannini, Progettare e valutare per la qualità e l'equità nella didattica. Aspetti teorici e indicazioni metodologiche, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2020.



- A. Ciani, L. Ferrari, I. Vannini, Progettare e valutare per la qualità e l'equità nella didattica. Aspetti teorici e indicazioni metodologiche, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2020.

- Book chapters (EN) available on the Unibo Virtual platform.

Erasmus students are not required to attend the lab, but they will have to do an individual Project Work according to specific assignments by teacher course.

Teaching methods

The course will be developed through lectures, analysis and discussion in large groups of designs and tools for observation, verification and self-evaluation, small group work related to the laboratories.

The active participation in the workshops will allow each student to consolidate the theoretical learning and see the operational implications in the contexts of preschool and elementary school.

Assessment methods

The test will take place in written form, according to the traditional methods already described on the teachers' website (pending a return to attendance).

For adequate preparation, students have the opportunity to carry out in-progress practical exercises available within the unibo virtual platform of the two courses.

As described on the website, the test consists of 4 questions for each module (short essay questions), related to the exam texts. The duration of the test is 1 hour per module. The total duration of the exam is 2 hours.

Consultation of the National Directions for the Curriculum and the examination manuals is possible during the test:

  • A. Ciani, L. Ferrari, I. Vannini, Progettare e valutare per la qualità e l'equità nella didattica. Aspetti teorici e indicazioni metodologiche, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2020;
  • I. Vannini (a cura di). Una valutazione che analizza e ricostruisce. In dialogo con Mario Gattullo: rileggere oggi DIDATTICA E DOCIMOLOGIA, Roma, Armando Editore, 2022 (only second part).

  • Book chapter, available on the Unibo Virtual platform, about the "systematic observation".

The short essay questions aim to verify the student's ability to activate processes of memorization, comprehension, analysis, synthesis, application and evaluation. In particular, the test verifies both the argumentative ability and the student's ability to build connections and links between the themes studied.

During the test, it will not be possible to consult summaries or diagrams, except in the case of documented necessity.

In the case of students unable to participate in the written exam in presence (due to proven health reasons related to the pandemic situation) the exam can be supported through an oral interview at a distance. The evaluation of knowledge and skills will reflect the criteria and procedures of the written exam. The student will have to send, at least 2 weeks before the exam, an email to the two teachers of the course to inform them about the impossibility to take the exam in presence.

Each question of the test (for both written and oral exams) is evaluated through a score "1-4": where the score "1" corresponds to an unacceptable performance; "2" to a sufficient performance, but with important conceptual errors; "3" to a good performance with some imperfections; "4" to an excellent performance.

The criteria of correction, of attribution of the scores and, later, of the grades will always be indicated on the first page of the written tests. The results of the test are published on the home page of the teachers' website in the "Useful Content" section.

The student is required to take the whole exam (Module Prof. Ferrari + Module Prof. Ciani); the attendance of the lab helps to consolidate the knowledge and skills to effectively face the exam.

In spite of the two marks, the exam is closely integrated and the Professors expect from the student an adequate and coherent preparation on both modules.


Written test with 4 questions (for each module) of the "Short Essay" type, related to the exam texts and to the material uploaded online. The duration of the test is 1 hour for each module. The total duration of the exam is 2 hours. IN THIS TEST IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO CONSULT MANUALS AND NATIONAL INDICATIONS.

The written test is structured in two parts, one for each module. The outcome of the test will consist of two marks, one for the module taught by Prof. Ferrari and one for the module taught by Prof. Ciani.

The questions will test both knowledge and specific skills of analysis and application, in some cases also of critical argumentation.

The criteria of correction, of attribution of the scores and, later, of the marks will always be indicated on the first page of the written tests. The results of the test are published on the home page of the teachers' website in the "Useful content" section.

The student is required to take the whole exam (Module Prof. Ferrari + Module Prof. Ciani); the attendance of the lab helps to consolidate the knowledge and skills to effectively face the exam.

Despite the two marks, the exam is closely integrated and the Professors expect the student to have an adequate and coherent preparation on both modules.

>Please note: it is understood that students in exam debt also have the right to take the test by studying the new syllabus (A.A. 22-23) and following the instructions described in the section "EXAMINATION TEST ACADEMIC YEAR 22-23".

Teaching tools

PPT, video repository, analysis of educational planning, tests and tasks, exercises 

Office hours

See the website of Luca Ferrari


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.